The IXACT Contact Real Estate Contact Management & Marketing Blog

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Real Estate Technology - IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM
Enjoy our tips and ideas on how to create a successful referrals-based business using a real estate CRM. Keeping in touch, building relationships, generating new leads, and staying organized and in control - we cover it all, and more! The blog posts are written by myself and other members of the IXACT Contact team.
4 MIN READ On any given day, a real estate agent has a hundreds of tasks on the go. Between your listing presentations, open houses, contract drafts and phone calls, it can be easy to lose focus on the kind of service you’re offering your clients.Do you put a lot of effort into being nice to your...
5 MIN READ Don’t you just love new beginnings?  You’re filled with ambition and hope, ready to embark on a fresh new chapter of your life, it’s so exciting!  Maybe you’re getting ready to begin a new career in real estate, or perhaps you’re a seasoned agent who can recall the thrill of the early ...
8 MIN READ An article originally published on Inman exposes 4 harmful lies that too many Agents tell themselves about their business.  Are you guilty of telling yourself any of these untruths? To paraphrase what the author wrote, real estate agents already struggle with the misconception that all...
5 MIN READ It has been reported that over 240 million unique internet users visited real Agent websites (RealTrends).  Many real estate agents focus time and energy on getting as many visitors on their website as possible, in hopes of getting as many leads as possible.Agents often get discouraged...
6 MIN READ Becoming a top real estate agent isn't always about having the best looking photo on your lawn sign or getting a secret resource to send you hundreds of leads every month. It isn’t even about being born with the skill to negotiate great deals. Becoming a top real estate agent is in fac...
8 MIN READ The topic of real estate prospecting is one that many Agents love to hate.  While a lot of real estate professionals achieve moderate success in the early years of their career, it’s common to hit a wall when your well of leads starts to dry up.It’s clear that more leads need to be gen...
6 MIN READBlogging has been a pillar to a powerful marketing plan for some time now, and has the staying power of a long-term, sustainable strategy. It helps drive traffic to your site, effectively nurtures leads and can be an incredible brand enhancer by helping to position you as a thought lead...
8 MIN READ As a real estate professional, you know searching for real estate-related information on the Internet has become an important part of the home buying process. Whether it’s to find an agent, view listings or educate themselves about real estate, home buyers are exploring online content...
4 MIN READ Leads are the lifeblood of any business. Period. Whether you are communicating to a lead or client, both should be given the same amount of attention.If a prospect was recommended to you, found you online or heard about you by way of word of mouth, the clock has started for you to make...
4 MIN READ One of the best sources for new business is the business of client referrals.Not exactly a life-altering statement, is it? How about when you take into account the fact that 88% of buyers say they would use their agent again or recommend them to others, and yet only 25% actually do. No...

Rich Gaasenbeek

Real Estate CRM & Marketing Made Easy!
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Enjoy our tips and ideas on how to create a successful referrals-based business using a real estate CRM. Keeping in touch, building relationships, generating new leads, and staying organized and in control - we cover it all, and more! The blog posts are written by myself and other members of the IXACT Contact team.