The IXACT Contact Real Estate Contact Management & Marketing Blog

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Real Estate Technology - IXACT Contact Real Estate CRM
Enjoy our tips and ideas on how to create a successful referrals-based business using a real estate CRM. Keeping in touch, building relationships, generating new leads, and staying organized and in control - we cover it all, and more! The blog posts are written by myself and other members of the IXACT Contact team.
You know that email marketing is a key tool in converting leads and keeping in touch with clients, but you can use it for some unexpected things as well. Good email marketing can and will provide such a myriad of benefits, you shouldn’t ignore any of them!1. ReferralsYou know that sending regular...
Adapting to new norms in the real estate industry is critical. Staying top of mind with your prospects and past clients and growing your online presence are more crucial than ever. As restrictions are lifted and things return to normal, real estate activity is increasing, and to make the most of ...
During this unsettling time, there is no doubt that sales have been fluctuating. With that in mind, a best practice would be to ensure that you treat your prospects and past clients with a sense of value. Here are a few ways you can show your prospects and past clients your appreciation, but stil...
You’ve been telling yourself that sticky notes and your disorganized email inbox are more than enough for you to get by in your real estate business. But as a real estate agent you have a million things to take care of in a day, and it’s easy for things to slip through the cracks when there isn’t...
This is a digital age, where the minute a prospective buyer learns of your name, they rush to Google to plug your name in – and what comes up will ultimately determine their next steps. 92% of homebuyers use the Internet as part of their home search, and you only get one chance at a digital first...
A lot of businesses have been hurt by the ongoing pandemic and a lot of us are re-evaluating our expenses in an effort to save money. Many of us are keeping a close eye on our expenditures and for very good reason, especially when the economy spiraled down so quickly and businesses had to shut t...
1. Take a Few Moments to Breathe and MeditateWe are all told to do this, especially in times of stress. However, now is the most crucial time to start practicing this. It is important to reflect on happier times and stay in the present. Take a few moments to breathe and think positive thoughts. I...
The weather is only getting better outside and things are starting to look up. But, it is still too early to go about your usual activities. Your favorite retail spots are still closed, a lunch with potential clients is out of the question and you can’t really go watch the latest movie you were k...
At this point, you have probably been exposed to all sorts of messaging from various companies on how they are adjusting to a rapidly changing environment. While it is uncertain when things will go back to “normal,” one thing is for sure; things have changed and it is time to adapt. As a real est...
ow to make your job easier and more effective.If you’re like most real estate agents, cold calling is one of your most dreaded tasks in any given day. It can be intimidating and uncomfortable, but with the right tools and guidelines you have the capability to turn this once-daunting job into a pl...

Rich Gaasenbeek

Real Estate CRM & Marketing Made Easy!
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Enjoy our tips and ideas on how to create a successful referrals-based business using a real estate CRM. Keeping in touch, building relationships, generating new leads, and staying organized and in control - we cover it all, and more! The blog posts are written by myself and other members of the IXACT Contact team.