Marketing Tips To Grow Your Business

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Jessica Cates Creative
Practical real estate marketing advice for busy real estate professionals.
It's one thing to manage your own day-to-day tasks - it's another thing entirely to keep a group of agents with shared tasks organized and on track. The good news is, there are several tech tools that can be used to simplify the process. If you're looking for a great task management solution to h...
Success relies on two main things - a great business strategy and a strong drive to succeed. If you're missing one or the other, you will struggle. That said, sometimes a rough day, week or even month can drag you down and do a real number on your positive mindset (and your bottom line). If you'r...
People have short attention spans.In fact, a recent article from Time Health Neuroscience says: "The average attention span for the notoriously ill-focused goldfish is nine seconds, but according to a new study from Microsoft Corp., people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds, hig...
There has been a lot of focus as of late on the importance of killer content - but one thing that typically doesn't get as much attention (but should) is fantastic formatting. In order to keep leads engaged on your website, you need to have a layout that is attractive, modern and easy to navigate...
Tell me if this scenario sounds familiar: You have a basic business growth strategy in place, but you struggle to execute on marketing strategies that provide measurable results. If you said 'yes', you're not alone. This is a common situation for real estate pros (partially because there is no fo...
Real estate agents have a great deal of responsibility, not just when it comes to helping buyers and sellers through their transactions - but when it comes to acting ethically. Ethical behavior includes being open and honest, protecting clients and acting in their best interest, refraining from m...
There are tons of articles out there telling you how to optimize your MLS listings to make them stand out to potential buyers (including this one that we published a while back). While it's true that you need to be aware of things that will be a turn-on to home shoppers, you also need to be aware...
Periscope is making big waves in the real estate industry. It's been headlining over at Inman on a regular basis and has been popping up left and right on various real estate sites - but what exactly is it and how can it help you and your business? In essence, Periscope is an app that allows user...
Figuring out which file storage and backup system to use for your business can be tricky because they are all a little bit different. Today, we'll outline 3 great options for you to choose from. 3 File Sharing Apps for Real Estate Pros: Dropbox: Dropbox is ideal for syncing and sharing files on a...
I've seen plenty of articles about consumers' frustrations with agents, but haven't seen any that tackle the issue from inside the industry, coming from the people who eat, sleep, live and breathe real estate day in and day out. I did some research on what really irritates agents and brokers when...

Jessica Cates

Real Estate Marketing Expert + Blogger
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For many years, my career has revolved around helping real estate pros take their business and marketing to the next level. Follow my blog for marketing tips, advice, and more!