Let's face it. We are living in a new economy whether we like it or not. The real question is how are we going to adjust to it or better, what are we going to do about it? The Obama administration is spending money like no other before it since the founding of this great nation. All of this is do
I don't know about you, but as a real estate broker and professional auctioneer, I have to wear many hats. One of the hats we have to wear is that of working short sales for a client that is upside down financially, viz., owing more on their home than what it is worth in today's market. I don't r
Is more government the solution or the problem? I would submit to you that government is and always has been the problem. We can all remember when the Clinton administration under Barney Frank wanted home ownership available to all Americans, even to those that could not afford one and was not cr
Like many of you, I get e-mails and magazines from the National Association of Realtors and from my state association wanting me to write my representatives and endorse many things the Obama administration are proposing to "stimulate" the real estate industry. Now the Obama administration has pro
I recently attended a Broker-In-Charge CE Update class in my state. I was amazed at the number of brokers/agents that were walking away from possible sales because the principal was upside downside with their mortgage, viz., they owed more than what the home was worth, or they had recently filed
Lately, I have been getting more and more e-mails from real estate associations and mortgage lenders encouraging me to contact Congress and tell them to bail out (not exactly their words) the mortgage industry. This would be good for the economy, get the banks to start lending again, realtors cou
Recently, I received a few calls from some real estate investor friends of mine here in North Carolina venting their frustration with working out short sales with some lenders. It seems some lenders are stalling in making any decisions as to whether they will release a mortgage for less than what
As I write this, I realize that much can change this week with regards to the Feds final plans and Congressional approval to rescue the banking industry. So what I am about to say is based upon what is currently being proposed. I also realize that what I am about to say will be only understood by
I received an interesting phone call from a realtor in California. She had read some articles I had written about using an auction as a first choice method of selling a home, rather than as a last option. Her question to me was this, "Should I become an auctioneer?" My first tacit thought was, "G
In an effort to turn around the depressing attitude of many realtors across the country because of the market we are in, some local North Carolina real estate publications are trying to put a positive spin on the market by stating that 2009 will be good year and that preparation needs to be made