Adam Affleck's (remaxpei) Blog

Real Estate Sales Representative - Remax Charlottetown Realty
Adam Affleck and Danny Mosher have bought a mumm 30 "Vanish" ex "Spanish Moon" ex "Spanish".Qualifying Events:Acura Key West 2008Key West, FL January 21 - 25St. Petersburg NOOD St. Petersburg, FLFebruary 15 - 17Annapolis NOODAnnapolis, MD April 25 - 27Cedar Point OD RegattaWestport, CT June 6 - 8...
Travel predictions for the new year2 hours agoNEW YORK - The travel gurus are looking into their crystal balls for the new year. Here are a few of their predictions.Terry Trippler, an airline analyst, says that while there will be fewer airfare increases, airlines will reduce the number of seats ...
The end of the year means many things to Canadians - New Year's celebrations, school holidays, office parties, family visits, Christmas shopping, eggnog, turkey, Boxing Day sales and good cheer all round.And then there are those other seasonal responsibilities that are a lot less fun. You know, t...
The P.E.I. government says it is moving from leasing to purchasing vehicles, because the former method was costing more than it was saving.Provincial Treasurer Wes Sheridan said the government has paid big penalties on three cars that were over their kilometre limit: about $6,000 on two and almos...
More than half of P.E.I.'s livestock industry could disappear by the spring, says federal Liberal agriculture critic Wayne Easter.Easter told CBC News on Thursday the economic fallout for the Island would be terrible, and the situation is much the same across Canada."It's financial devastation in...
The GST rate will be reduced by one percentage point from 6% to 5%, effective January 1, 2008. To facilitate the transition to the lower rate, transitional rules for determining the GST rates applicable to transactions that straddle the January 1, 2008 implementation date have been enacted.This n...
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all.  Remember to take the time to appreciate all the little things in life that bring us pleasure, all to often we forget with all the turmoil and things that have to get done, to just take a step back and appreciate all the tings that we have.  Life is to sh...
RE/MAX professionals are among the most experienced in the industry. That's one of the main reasons RE/MAX Broker/Owners enjoy high-quality reputations.It's a reputation that is well-deserved - and well-earned. At RE/MAX, top performers work alongside other top performers, reflecting the adage th...
12/16/2007 of Charlottetown Link info.The City of Charlottetown is a flourishing community of over 32,000 people located on the south shore of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown is the capital city of Prince Edward Island, and is called the "Bir...
12/16/2007 Colourful, Magical & Uniqueare the communities of Eastern Kings, P.E.I. Prince Edward Island, although Canada's smallest province,stands large in our nation.Old world traditions are reflected today in this- a distinct and beautiful place to live in, and visit....

Adam Affleck

local_phone(902) 892-2000
smartphone(902) 629-4997
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