Adam Affleck's (remaxpei) Blog

Real Estate Sales Representative - Remax Charlottetown Realty
NEW YORK - U.S. gasoline prices were poised Monday to set a new record at the pump, having surged to within half a cent of their record high of $3.227 a gallon. Oil prices, meanwhile, surged to US$107.44, a new inflation-adjusted record and their fifth new high in the last six sessions on an upbe...
Oil prices on Thursday hit a record high above US$110 a barrel as investors fled the tumbling dollar that fell to new lows against the euro and a 12-year low versus the yen.Light, sweet crude for April delivery rose 78 cents to reach US$110.70 in early afternoon European electronic trading on the...
The Opposition Progressive Conservatives on Prince Edward Island unveiled a plan Wednesday they say farmers need to help weather an economic storm.The multimillion-dollar Tory plan would waive farm property taxes for two years, provide rebates on diesel fuel and offer other financial incentives."...
Atlantec BioEnergy has made one more pitch to build an ethanol plant on P.E.I., as time is running out before spring planting.The company met for more than two hours with the provincial government's new biofuels committee Thursday to provide details of a plan to build an $85-million plant to make...
The CEO of APM Group says he paid the province approximately $630,000 for the former Holland College building in Summerside and is prepared to spend anywhere from $300,000 to $900,000 or more on remedial work."We don't take possession until all the T's are crossed and the I's dotted,'' Tim Banks ...
The Armed Forces should reach its Island targets of 50 full and 75 reserve enlistees, according to Sgt. Matt MacDonald, with Canadian Forces Recruiting in Charlottetown.The Canadian Armed Forces was one of 41 exhibitors at the Booming Trades Expo, hosted by East Prince Youth Development in Summer...
The Ontario government plans to introduce legislation this spring to ban smoking in cars where young children are present.Premier Dalton McGuinty announced in Toronto on Wednesday that the new law will be brought in for the spring session of the legislature, which is scheduled to begin March 17.P...
In a dramatic about-face, is abandoning its effort to outshine internet search leader Google Inc. and will instead focus on a narrower market consisting of married women looking for help managing their lives.As part of the new direction outlined Tuesday, Ask will lay off about 40 employee...
Oil prices shot back above $100 US a barrel Wednesday as OPEC said it won't boost production and U.S. crude supplies showed a surprise drop.In morning trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange, the price of light, sweet crude for April delivery was up $3.78 at $103.30 US a barrel.Cartel preside...
Transcontinental Inc. (TSX:TCL.B) has won a long-term contract to print all the magazines of Rogers Communications Inc. (TSX:RCI.B), Canada's largest magazine publisher. The work, valued at $210 million over the six-year agreement, was previously done by Quebecor World Inc. (TSX:IQW). Rogers has ...

Adam Affleck

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