From time to time I end up discussing Social Media marketing. No real reason why (*), it just seems to happen. In fact at almost every event I attend (*) people seem to want to talk about Social Media marketing. Okay, I'm joking of course. Social Media has been a big part of my business and perso
You know the drill. Whether you are an agent or a loan officer you have had the client who calls your number and leaves a voice message asking for help. Or perhaps they emailed you and asked some questions. Maybe you're in a meeting or maybe, just maybe, they send the email at 11:22PM. When you f
Want your closings to be smoother? Learn this very important role within the mortgage industry. Even if you "think" you know but you don't sit in a high volume mortgage lender every day I encourage you to read. We industry insiders have a terrible habit of using industry terms to our customers an