Okay, I thought the title was cuter than "Being Number One". And the truth is you cannot be number one unless you make it to number one. My friend Brian Brady calls himself "America's Number One Mortgage Broker". Don't believe it? Then just click that link to Google and see what you get. This pos
I know what you heard on the news ... I heard it, too. Once again, the media uses one source and misrepresents the truth by omission. It may be true that if you go to some of the largest banks in the nation you have to have 20% down to purchase a home. However, many lenders still have plenty of r
Today is the day we overthrow fear and the paralysis it has brought to our nation. Today we put aside our differences and face the common threat. Today we make a change that starts right here inside of me - and you. Today we take the offense in this onslaught against our clients. Today we establi
Today is the day we overthrow fear and the paralysis it has brought to our nation. Today we put aside our differences and face the common threat. Today we make a change that starts right here inside of me - and you. Today we take the offense in this onslaught against our clients. Today we establi
We have the power. We have the skills. We have the experience. We have the tools. We have the resources. We have the time. We have the intent. Hmmmm .... "we have the intent". Most of us have heard the old saying "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." No, it's not in the Bible or any o
The absence of change is death. Living things change, it is their nature. Highly active beings, those which change most rapidly, are called lively. On September 5, 1774 a group of 56 people met in Philadelphia, PA because America was in a state of change. Fifty-six men made decisions that day whi
There was an article in our local newspaper last week proclaiming it is impossible to purchase a home without 20% down payment. Instead of berating the failed attempt at accurate reporting let me help the readers: (A) FHA will currently lend up to 97% of the sales price. This requires a down paym
Having a rent-a-website $35 per month. Having a custom developed website (that actually gathers information) $899. Being in the top three on Google, Yahoo and Live ... you guessed it. Priceless. For the last several years my money maker websites have been in the top 10 on at least two of the thre
When I teach my Real Estate Investor's Quick Start Workshop (3 hours - shameless plug) I teach the importance of evaluating not only the individual property but the surrounding area. One of the things I teach is that you need to know how many foreclosures are ON THE MARKET in the area. Trulia pro
Do you want to be more recognizable, more popular, more read, more noticed than you have been to date? Want to meet more people in the biz? Want to alert more people to your AR postings? Sometime earlier in life, things change so quickly in the economic realm I cannot recall if it was this year o