Content Marketer For Hire

Real Estate Technology - Content, coding, marketing, host.
Information about content marketing, Search Engine Optimization, and online lead generation. I have written thousands of articles for other people who have published my words in their name.



I think I was I who said, "we'll have less sales and refinances and more fraud" in reference to changes in the lending environment. Trust me - I'm not making excuses for these scumballs and thugs - it's just common sense. Make the dream harder to acheive and people are going to take more risks an...
First let's set the record straight and say that HR 3221 did not end Down Payment Assistance. What it ended is what is called seller funded or interested party down payment assistance. DPA is still available in a much less regulated way than the type of DPA which was just "outlawed". I know there...
When I was younger I always thought older people were out of touch and out of date because they didn't get excited easily about change - at least the ones I later found out were the wisest. Now with the age of the internet change spreads faster and gets deeper into society. It also comes with red...
I really can't. So I guess that means everyone here is completely satisfied with your understanding of HR 3221 and all the points contained within relative to your next real estate closing? Yes, this is a spanking :) I was actually kind of embarrassed to have that many people online and when I as...
Join me and my guests for this very crucial conference call regarding the changes mandated by HR 3221 (Housing Rescue Bill) and how it WILL affect your transactions. It is urgent because this is in play now - not at some phantom future date - and many of you will be caught in the cross fire. Espe...
I will be slowly, for the sake of accuracy, disseminating the changes in lending laws that will directly impact your world. In HR 3221, American Housing Rescue and Foreclosure Prevention Act of 2008, is filled with good and bad. Unfortunately the bad outweighs the good. But let’s look at what we...
A modification is when the borrower or a professional consultant submit proof and evidence to the existing lender that the home is less valuable than the payoff and/or the rate has adjusted and the client can no longer meet the obligation and there is zero or negative equity in the property due t...
I love it when I'm right. For months I have been challenging these renegade lenders allowing unapproved brokers to send FHA loans in and be compensated saying it is a violation of HUD's policy and an impingement on the public trust. "No, no, no, Ken. We have a letter from HUD okaying the way we d...
The winds of change are blowing. It has nothing and everything to do with everything and nothing. Back to school time always signals a change - sometimes it's not for the good - sometimes it is. Here is the good news: there are currently 103,156 Rainers. My estimate is that 50,000 are somewhat ac...
"Freddie Mac Makes Bold Moves to Encourage Workouts" is a grand slam hit for Scott Schang at The 24. Scott is the regular featured publisher on The 24 and proves why with this powerful submission. My personal favorite part of Scott's article is, "If you are having challenges making your mortgage ...

Ken Cook

Content Marketer/Creator
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