It angers me - it really does. You may not see the ads or notice them as quickly as I do but they are there and in large quantity. I recently posted about FHA lenders advertising for unapproved brokers and loan officers to submit FHA loans to them. Seriously, this angers me deeply for several rea
I have a rule of thumb: avoid any process that involves a loop hole in regulatory matters. There are three things happening today in the wide open that I predict will be completely eliminated with or without federal prosecution of violators in the near public. In the mean time just because everyo
Challenge: let's list every industry whose participants are required to fully disclose all of their profits PRIOR TO or AT the time of the sale directly to the client ... 1. Mortgage Brokers 2. Well, I just can't seem to think of any others. Here is a list to choose from - see which of these can
It has just been a short while since Nehemiah, the not-for-profit corporation who has long helped families and single borrowers get into a home using FHA and their 3% down payment assistance. According to FHA chief, Brian Montgomery, said, "In these transactions, home sellers - or any entity that
Use my package as seen on TV and make millions overnight in this crazy real estate market! Come to my FREE FREE FREE seminar tonight in your town and start cashing checks tomorrow for tens of thousands of dollars! Download my FREE FREE FREE audio conference and learn how I started with NOTHING, I
I alluded to this several weeks ago (sorry for my absence I was quite sick for nearly 3 months) and now the time has come. The Mortgage Insurers are broke and have to fix it. This is nationwide regardless of the strength of your market area. According to most Mortgage Insurers the entire nation i