If you or your clients have been "on the fence" this weekend may be one of the best weekends to move forward that we have seen or will see for a while. Rates are very low today and if they go into the weekend unchanged should emerge Monday just as strong. The stock market has tumbled nearly 2 per
Today's Mortgage Interest Rates for GEORGIA HOME LOANS Effective 11:15 AM EST February 28 MUCH IMPROVED ▼ You can always check daily rates here and they always are with no discount points and show the APR. NEW DAILY SCHEDULE HTTP://JUSTIN.TV/REIBROKER Topics include the real estate market in ge
Let's start out by once more addressing the difference between BankRate.com rates and real rates. BankRate.com is not a lender or broker - they are a financial media website. The information posted to their website is not guaranteed accurate and there is no specific lender to stand behind it. Bas
You have finally made it to another weekend! Sales will be either better, flat or worse this weekend and I can predict that with100% accuracy. What you know tomorrow that you didn't know yesterday will be of great value to you as you speak with clients! One major word about the rates I have been
So I was a bit slow today! Not really, just busy.Stocks are down sharply which is usually good news for mortgage interest rates. What's even better is to have stock down and bonds flat or up. What's good for inflation is good for interest rates. So today, with the Dow down 7/10ths and the bond ma
I have learned many things on Active Rain and also had my thoughts confirmed here. That has some of the highest value of anything I can attribute to AR. Yes, the networking is phenomenal but if we were all just talking about American Idol or NASCAR we wouldn't be growing as a community of real es
Join me this afternoon LIVE online at HTTP://VIRALREALESTATE.COM for streaming video addressing the current market situation and outlook, answering questions about short sales, how lenders determine which markets are declining and more. We're going to talk about why even excellent borrowers can
The mortgage interest rates rose sharply this morning, as we predicted on Friday they would, so if you didn't lock you just lost at the game. The good news is rates are still historically low compared to the last 3 decades. Other important news includes the elimination of the Go Fast and Easy pro
Unbelievable! That's the number of emails I am getting from all across the nation about the new FHA loan limits. You need to stop thinking right now that you can borrow $729,750 using FHA on a single family home anywhere in the United States. That's not what the change is and it is not what the c
100% Financing IS Still Available and at decent rates - fixed for thirty. This product IS available in some areas of Florida. Every time I hear some blabbering mouth from the news media talking about how 100% financing opportunities are gone I really want to reach my hands through the toob, pul