So, I'm reading a recent Question on the Q&A board, and there was something posted about GAP financing.----------------------------------------------------------The Question Asked: Do you know of any solid GAP financiers? I need a good, reliable, solid Gap Financier in order to close more loans a...
If you're been selling real estate for any length of time, you'll have your stories!This is mine . . . about a Feng Shui home buyer!The phone rang and I answered it. The woman introduced herself as the daughter, calling on behalf of her mother. They wanted to meet (she said "interview") some lo...
This is an EXCELLENT post by Jeff Dowler. After reading the 8 points, one might think this is how all real estate agent practice. Then one wants to think . . . Most?!?I'd say, it's more like "some" agents, and that's a shame. What I experience in the level of Fiduciary Duties to clients is pat...
This is from a new blogger with Active Rain, say "Hello" to Lynnea Miller.The message of Lynnea's post is clear -- there really is a lack of "what ever happened to"When real estate agents commiserate with this, is it any wonder that the consumers / general public have the same gripe? As the manag...
Jerry Newman a colleague in the San Antonio real estate market wrote this EXCELLENT post the other day: In New Construction -- "Who's Looking Out For Your Interests?"And the same question can be asked right here in my local real estate market of Portland Metro!The office sales reps -- many are l...
2016 Garlic Festival - Fun Stinks in North PlainsIf you're looking for a fun summer activity, and don't mind the stink, head on over to North Plains thisAugust 12, 13th and 14th. . . 19th Annual Fun Stinks Elephant Garlic FestivalAdmission if FREE! I love GARLIC and will be there . . . I think I'...
About the only thing I like about Trump is the clever catch phrase: "You're Fired!"Beyond that . . . meh.And for equal footing, about the only thing I like about Hillary Clinton is . . . . . . . . nothing. We're doomed.Any who, the other day I'm at a home inspection for one of the nicest couple...
Barbara Todaro's (soon to be featured) post Time is Money But Only When the Time is Used to Make Money had some very good examples. One of which was knowing the product.It got me thinking . . . and provided my "food for thought" for this post. {wink}Setting the Table in Real EstateAs Barbara poi...
Au Pays d'Alice, par Ibrahim Maalouf et Oxmo Puccino Alice in Wonderland, down the rabbit hole . . . won't you join me. Ibrahim Maalouf is the conductor and composer of Au Pays d'Alice, combining his love for Jazz (playing the trumpet) and composing. This homage to a childhood classic should ta...
This is an EXCELLENT post!! It's about what borrowers/buyers should be asking . . . AND UNDERSTANDING . . . about their loan.I met with a nice couple this afternoon, first time buyers. We discussed their loan, and I went over a few questions they seemed to be unware of regarding their loan. Th...