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Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteHappy Independence Day.Orange Outdoor Pool located behind the Orange High School is officially opened. Orange Village  The construction of the Orange Village Recreation Trails began last fall and will continue in 2019. As a part of a bid package, Orange Villag...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteCleveland Heights City Council had a second Committee of the Whole meeting in the month of June on Monday, 06/17/19 at 6:15 PM. Cleveland Heights City Council had a second regular meeting in the month of June on the same day at 7:30 PM.South Euclid Garden Club...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty website Maple Heights City Council had a second meeting in the month of June on Wednesday, 06/19/19 at 7:00 PM. There was a medium level of activity on the Warrensville Heights area and Maple Heights real estate market this week. 14 single family homes and 1 condomin...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteHappy Memorial DayNew Warrensville Heights Elementary School groundbreaking ceremony occurred on Tuesday, 05/28/19. Warrensville Heights Memorial Day parade occurred on Monday, 05/27/19. Suspect of attacking and seriously injuring 88 year old Bedford Heights w...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteHappy Memorial Day.Auburn Township Memorial Day Ceremony occured on Sunday, 05/26/19 at 8:30 AM in Maple Shade and parade occured at 9:00 AM from Adam Hall to Shady Side Cemetery. Monday, 05/27/19 was the Memorial Day, Village of Chagrin Falls government offic...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteHappy Memorial DayMemorial Day Celebration occurred on Monday, 05/27/19 at 10:00 AM at the Richmond Heights Community Park Veterans Memorial. Monday, 05/27/19 was the Memorial Day, Richmond Heights govenment offices were closed. Richmond Heights City Council h...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty website"Consider Options For Buying Gas And Electric From NOPEC" meeting occurred on Friday, 05/03/19. There was a medium level of activity on the Warrensville Heights and Maple Heights real estate market this week. 5 single family homes and 2 condominiums were liste...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteVillage of South Russell Country Estates Home Owners Assocition had a meeting on Sunday, 04/28/19 at 1:00 PM. South Russell Chagrin Lakes Home Owners Association had a meeting on the same day at 6:00 PM. South Russell Village Council had a special meeting on M...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteRichmond Park Dr. East woman reported that a man tried to throw her out of the 5th floor balcony. "Solar Co-Op" event occured on Thursday, 04/25/19 at 6:00 PM. Robin Powell was named the president of the University Hospitals Richmond Medical Center on Monday, ...
Visit "Local-n-Global" Realty websiteLomond Alley exit to the "Wendy's" parking lot on the intersection of Warrensville Center Rd and Chagrin Blwd will be closed permanently on Monday, 05/06/19. Shaker Community Gallery presented "Should I or Shouldn't I?" exhibit on Wednesday, 04/24/19 from 6:00...

Svetlana Stolyarova

Local-n-Global Realty, Broker 216-548-4663
local_phone(877) 770-5551
smartphone(216) 548-4663
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Exceptional listing services for home sellers in Greater Cleveland. Svetlana Stolyarova, Broker of Local-n-Global Realty is licensed to practice Real Estate in the state of Ohio. Buy globally! Transnational Referral Certificate. Local-n-Global Realty

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