One of the things I love most about living in The Green Mountain State is our proliferation of trees and lakes. There are so many beautiful lakes in our state. On Saturday, I had the pleasure of visiting a friend near Lake Hortonia and happened to get this nice shot which represents the peace and...
44 degrees and blue skies were perfect weather for Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day in Waterbury, Vermont. I was there around noon and there had to be a hundred people there. So glad to see people out enjoying their lunch time on a lovely spring afternoon in Waterbury, Vermont!Oh, by the way, I had th...
It was so wonderful to see 'Mary Poppins' at the Flynn Theare in Burlington yesterday.Lyric Theatre put on a such a lively production. My favorite part was when the chimney sweeps did 'Step in Time'. It was just bursting with energy! Of course, who can resist 'Let's Go Fly a Kite'. 'Chim Chim Che...
Foreclosure in Johnson Village with partial winter views of the Lamoille River just a few hundred feet away. This home is located on a quiet street with just a few other homes and an abundance of trees lending a quaint country atmosphere.This four bedroom home is quite spacious at 1,216 square fe...
On February 4th, I read in the Burlington Free Press that there would be open auditions on February 6th for a movie to be partially filmed in Burlington. The movie named 'Wetware' was written by Vermont author Craig Nova and is being directed by award winning Vermont director Jay Craven.My only a...
It is a dream come true for Addison County amphibians as a coalition between the Monkton Conservation Commission, Lewis Creek Association, Vermont Fish and Wildlife, and Vermont Agency of Transportation have worked together to bring to fruition a ten year plan to help save Addison County wildlife...
Earlier, Vermont was fortunate enough to have visits from both the Easter Bunny and the Easter Moose. This afternoon, I also found the Easter Groundhog while he was hiding some eggs for the late risers. He wanted equal press coverage.Great American Dream Realty is an equal opportunity supporter o...
Happy Easter Everyone!Thank you to my friend, Rebecca Gaujot for the inspiration for this post. Excuse the grass abruptly ending. This cute bunny was at the edge of a parking lot so I photoshopped out the background in order to highlight the bunny and make him look like he is along the clouds or ...
I would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and to share a photo that a friend of mine, David Nelson, took which perfectly depicts Easter in Vermont. Look out Easter Bunny, here comes the Easter Moose! Great American Dream Realty supports equal opportunity Easter mammals. Have a great holiday, E...
Last night, I had the most wonderful time seeing the play, Dancing Lessons, at the Flynn Space. The play was directed by one of my former real estate clients, Cristina Alicea, and starred local actors Cael Barkman and Andrew Butterfield. I could not have enjoyed it more. Dancing Lessons has only...