Lets Examine Their Formula Several times recently a FSBO company here on active/rain claimed that 25% of real estate is sold privately, and went on to say you could calculate how many are sold privately, by subtracting the number of solds reported by the Canadian Real Estate Association from the
OUCH IS RIGHT!!! Have you ever noticed when a public official is talking about your money they always break it down to the smallest common denominator they can. Well your new assessment notice is no different if you look down the right hand side of the notice you will see that the average residen
Matthew House is a Worthy and Amazing Cause. They have been welcoming unsponsored refugees in Toronto for 10 years and have helped over 1000 residents from over 75 countries transition into life as Canadians. This house receives no direct support from any government agency and is supported solel
Watch Your Mail Box starting today if you live in York Region and Nov 03 if you live in Durham Region The new assessment notices that will be part of the equation in determining your property tax bill in 2009 are in the mail. Notices of re assessment started being sent out for the week of Sept 15
In looking at some Mill Rates Around the Greater Toronto Area and in Particular Uxbridge and Georgina I noticed a few peculiarities. While most areas have two different mill rates for residential and multi residential not all do. Some even have four different mill rates with the additional divisi
In a post from a FSBO company here on active/rain they made the claim that 25% Of Residential Real Estate In Canada Is Sold Privately. The wording of their post seems to imply that part of that 25% were builders. Well as a former real estate person the poster is either misleading you or had no p
In Memory of all those who died and in support of all those who lost family friends and loved ones WE SHARE YOUR TEARS Within a day of the 9/11 attacks I along with close to a thousand Construction workers where I worked started wearing several stickers on their hardhats to show there support for
There was a post here recently by a FSBO company blogger that claimed that to be a fact. You have to ask yourself is it all hype to promote the FSBO services offered? In reading the post I noticed that the poster claimed that noreal estate agents are involved when you purchase from a builder.Hang
Come and see this home, rich in tradition. All the charm of yesteryear, large principal rooms, lush deep lot, 3 bedrooms, plus main floor office or grannie-suite, with own entrance and washroom. Relax on the veranda while watching the children play in the yard. Great Uxbridge location . 1 South B
In my post You and "YOUR" Propertry Tax Bill -- Who Takes The Biggest Bite? Steve commented "The Assessments have been frozen so, any increase recently in your taxes is down to your local council. The CVA, while unpopular is actually the better way of calculating property values and lets face it