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The RealMan blog is about Minot ND. The RealMan blog is North Dakota's longest running and most read blog about Minot ND.
I don't think I would put a purple carrot in my mouth. 😜If you are Selling, or thinking of Selling your home you should be aware that there are certain colors that just plain old don't belong on the exterior of a home.I had a listing that was the same color blue as the one above in the lower left...
It looks like Philemon wants to stay awake but once he dozes off and awoken by a lightening bolt he is not so happy to have been awoken.This is going to be hard to relate to Real Estate except maybe to the home Seller who is thinking "I must Sell". Then when there is no interest in the property b...
We have no policy in our home. Timmothy is always shoeless, Carol and I are slipper people. We are dog (pet) people and I would NOT dream of requiring anyone to take their shoes off at the door.That being said, as a Realtor, I always required people to remove their shoes in the model (new constru...
Sometimes it seems like the whole day is a tug of war.Maybe like Joe, it starts right from the beginning of just getting out of bed. Being semi-retired I think about staying in bed every day BUT thank God the only days I do is when I am "for sure" ill.One thing I can tell you about ALL of the suc...
If it wasn't my first day on the job it was close... that is hearing the term Lookie Lou's. The first Broker I had spoke negatively of Lookie Lou's and told me to beware as they are big time wasters.A Lookie Lou is someone who seems to thrive on "looking" at homes but never buys. I want to say th...
My kids (now adults) were read to every night by their mother. I remember being read to as well but I honestly don't remember who read to me, either my mother or my Grandmother who lived with us. Reading stuck with both my kids but not for me. Besides being read to by their mother Timmothy and Ti...
I thought I'd take a look (search the web) to see if there are any animals that do not sleep. There is at least 10, Man is not one. Neither are guinea pigs.I am a very scheduled person. In general I get out of bed at the same time every day and start my routine of personal hygiene, go to work, ea...
Even face to face communications can be misunderstood. Our maybe I should say face to face conversations are often misunderstood if there is a lack of clarity and if ones body language sends a conflicting message.So would we be better off communicating with tin cans and string when visiting with ...
Early in the Fall season when we may first smell pumpkin spice aerosols it smells good and it is a sure reminder of Fall and that Halloween is coming. Suddenly before we know it pumpkin spice is everywhere including in our coffee (hopefully not by being having aerosol sprayed into it).Of course t...
I think we all have those times of feeling empty. Sometimes it is our stomach but most of the time it is a longing for something or someone.The drawing above is from a site called More Than Enough Financial Fitness. I have linked to it as it is a good article, just click on the drawing to read it...

Bob "RealMan" Timm

Owner of Ward Co Notary Services retired RE Broker
local_phone(701) 720-8513
smartphone(701) 720-8513
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