Asbestos in the home is a scary prospect for today's home buyers. Over the years, they have been getting more and more concerned about Asbestos in ceilings, flooring tiles and anywhere else it my be hiding. We have teamed up with the Mesothelioma Center to get the facts to you. Where Asbestos Can
Asbestos in the home is a scary prospect for today's home buyers. Over the years, they have been getting more and more concerned about Asbestos in ceilings, flooring tiles and anywhere else it my be hiding. We have teamed up with the Mesothelioma Center to get the facts to you. Where Asbestos Can
As you may know, homes built before 1980 likely have asbestos insulation in them. When homeowners remodel, they may expose themselves to asbestos, which could lead to a fatal cancer known as mesothelioma. There are many environmentally sustainable, healthy and GREEN ways to insulate your home and
As you may know, homes built before 1980 likely have asbestos insulation in them. When homeowners remodel, they may expose themselves to asbestos, which could lead to a fatal cancer known as mesothelioma. There are many environmentally sustainable, healthy and GREEN ways to insulate your home an
Asbestos in the home is a scary prospect for today's home buyers. Over the years, they have been getting more and more concerned about Asbestos in ceilings, flooring tiles and anywhere else it my be hiding. We have teamed up with the Mesothelioma Center to get the facts to you. As you may know,
Weekly Interest Rate Snapshot- Interest rates have improved a bit with the news that China will tighten its bank lending to slow the country's economic growth and stave off inflation. International Stocks didn't like the news, which helps interest rates. Retail Sales in January rose higher than e
Hawaii Mortgage Rates as of Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Latest rates, based on 20 percent down, $200,000 owner-occupant mortgages. The rates and terms may vary; check with lenders for details. Rate information is provided by the lenders and compiled, as a public service, by the Honolulu Board of
I was speaking with a friend last night and he was telling me his story about his $350,000 unit on Kauai that is now worth $100,000. We all know that the real estate market in the United States has come down over the last 12-24 months, so this should not be a shock to anyone, but Hawaii has not b
This new year is taking off at a run. With the Home Buyer Credits giving buyers an incentive to buy, the real estate market is really taking off. Finding the right property and getting an accepted offer before the deadline of April 30, 2010 has caused a fervor. This credit is not just benefiting
I could not resist reposting this from Joey Tamer's Blog! A New Orleans lawyer sought an FHA loan for a client who lost his house in Hurricane Katrina and wanted to rebuild. He was told the loan would be granted if he could prove satisfactory title to the parcel of property being offered as colla