Like any investment vehicle Oahu Real Estate and Real Estate as a whole has specific terms like any investment that an investor will need to know. Very often sellers or properties will start tossing them around to see if a potential buyer knows what he or she a talking about. Be on your best ga
Honolulu Real Estate Association welcomes you to our home page! We are made up of the Top Realtors on Oahu and welcome all Top Producing Realtors and Real Estate Professionals to join our association. There are several websites that you can use to get more information than one could ever need for
Hi All- As I was out and about a few days ago, I came across this study and thought is was fascinating. There are those of us that simply need a voice and a place to be heard and blogging work just fine. However, there are those of us that want that but but to do it in a "Marketing" sort of w
Well here we go...a new group of industry professionals in Honolulu, the Oahu Real Estate Association. We have a wonderful contemporary/modern house to meet in, but as I am the only member in the group, it's much bigger than I thought it would be when I was looking at the plans for it. I guess
As Realtors in Honolulu, we get the chance to speak with people everyday about all things Hawaii. We often talk about Real Estate in Hawaii but we also talk about the things that Honolulu and Oahu have to offer that make it special to live here.It is very true that the price of gas in Honolulu is
Welcome to Great Hawaiian Homes. In our ongoing series of Oahu's neighborhoods, we are proud to present Kaneohe. After reading about Kaneohe, you can do a property search by clicking on our logo (Just Below) and putting in the criteria for your search. Gayle and I will be more than happy to sp
Welcome to Great Hawaiian Homes. In our ongoing series of Oahu's neighborhoods, we are proud to present Kailua. After reading about Kailua, you can do a property search by clicking on our logo (Just Below) and putting in the criteria for your search. Gayle and I will be more than happy to spea
Welcome to Great Hawaiian Homes. In our ongoing series of Oahu's neighborhoods, we are proud to present Honolulu. After reading about Honolulu's Neighborhoods, you can do a property search by clicking on our logo (Just Below) and putting in the criteria for your search. Gayle and I will be mor
Hawaii, sitting in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, is made up of seven islands. Actually, the Hawaiian Island Chain stretches all the way to Russia, but most of what were once Islands of the chain, have worn away by Sea Action and are now, what is called, Sea Mounts. Sea Mounts don't break the
Today's Real Estate Market is a Dream Comes True for Qualified Buyers! Getting an Excellent Deal on a Home in like Shooting Fish in a Barrel. With our Buyer Client Rebate Program & 1% Listing Program, it's Easy to Keep More of Your Money Then Ever Before! Call Mike Ramsey Fujita, Hawaii Realto