Juli Vosmik is right on target with this post, and her advise applies wherever you search. Thanks Juli for allowing me to re-post your great information. Comments are being disabled for this article. Please click through to Juli's blog with your comments. She would love to hear from you. Thanks a
INVENTORY WAY DOWN In LOCAL Markets Too. Upland, CA Case in Point. By Brad Rachielles, Upland, CA The national real estate news this morning carried articles decrying the lack of inventory of homes for sale and how competition for these homes is fierce. Because my focus is always on the LOCAL sit
May Video Market Update. For the past few years, Market Reports for Upland, Rancho Cucamonga and the surrounding ares has been six long spreadsheet pages of detailed numbers. Surely you must believe as I now do that much of this effort has been lost.... or mostly for my own education. So, encoura