Very good advice. So very important to keep your home from foreclosing - and with the market changing and improving, anyone who is at risk of foreclosure should really take a look at any method possible to get out quickly, begin restoring their credit and not letting this sit around and maybe eve
We have been saying it for weeks now, months even - The Real Estate Market is Picking up, getting stronger and moving faster. So lets take a look at Charlottesville and see how it's doing compared to last year... So what does this mean? I am not a statistician, but I can tell you what I see in m
Excellent Tips to keep us on the straight and anrrow with homeowners insurance. Certainly, flood insurance can be strange and mysterious to many homeowners who are first timers and having a litle extra advice along the way is paramount to making sure all the bases are covered. Thank you Fulton! D
Despite the threatened Sunday snowfall, of which I remain skeptical, spring is here and the time has come to turn your attention to your yards, clean out the leftover leaves and get ready for plantings. One of the items on your plantings list should be a tree! Trees are wonderful parts of the en
Number five in our continuing series of simple tips to make your home SELL! And yes, we started playing with the special effects... Homes for Sale in the Belmont Neighborhood of Charlottesville, VA Homes for Sale in Redfields Neighborhood of Charlottesville, VA Luxury Homes for Sale in Charlott
I can well remember when I first started in college back in... well, let's not say how long ago that was, it was more than a little while... when I first started learning all the terms I would have to know to be in healthcare and not look like an idiot it felt like I was having to learn a second
The fourth of our weekly installments on 51 ways to make your home sell faster Homes for Sale in Belmont Neighborhood of Charlottesville, VA Homes for Sale in Rugby Neighborhood of Charlottesville, VA Quinton Beckham Keller Williams Realty Charlottesville 1885 Seminole Trail, Suite 100 Charlotte
His name and contributions surround us, but few outside of Charlottesville Historians know just how much of an impact that Paul Goodloe McIntire had on the shape of the city. Born in 1860 in the City of Charlottesville, McIntire attended the University of Virginia for only one semester before lea
You've searched and searched, previewed homes until your eyes have bled and finally (as your Realtor cheered and jumped up and down) found the home of your dreams, made an offer, made it through contract negotiations, home inspections and closing. You're done and ready to move in, right? Well, ma
I think what is probably the most frequent fear of first time home buyers - or rather, those who dream of being first time home buyers - is that they won't be able to qualify for a mortgage. I think most of us have been there at one time or another; whether you were a teen-ager sitting across fro