Share Your Experience Each and every day that you wake up, you are tasked with marketing. Whether it be marketing a listing for your clients or simply marketing your business to help you find your next client, it is impossible for a successful agent to escape the need for effective marketing. If ...
Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! It seems never ending in real estate. You're most likely used to carrying around documents to be signed, documents to be approved, and closing documents. Let's not forget about the storage of all that paperwork once it is completed. Combined we could probably fill...
What are you doing to promote yourself and create a personal brand? The challenge to creating a brand in the real estate and mortgage industries is that there is little difference between the services the individual professional provides: selling homes, assisting with the purchase of a home or ar...
  Real Estate Coaching Real estate coaches come in all shapes and sizes. It all depends on what you're looking for: prospecting techniques, motivation, sales strategies, etc. While they all promise to deliver results, which ones actually do? You may already be familiar with companies like Mike Fe...
  Home Warranties/Insurance Do you think home warranties are a must have for everyone buying a resale? Or would that money be better spent somewhere else? Which companies have you used for home warranties? We'd love to hear about your experience with them! Seems to be a toss up for 'Rainers using...
    Mobile Apps for Real Estate You'll find your ActiveRain colleagues have quite a lot to say about "must haves" as well as those apps that you can probably live without. Do you use apps for your notes and to do lists? and Evernote are two common apps we have heard on ActiveRain for jotti...
"A coaches greatest asset is his sense of responsibility - the reliance placed on him by his players" ~ Knute Rockne Look at almost any field and you are likely to find that the best of the best in that field use a coach. The most obvious examples are found in the sports world. To this day, Tiger...
Over the years, I've come across quite a few people that give home warranties as closing gifts to their clients. At the same time, I've also heard enough people say something like 'those things are worth the paper they are written on' to describe the value of a home warranty. Of course, insurance...
Just Because You Said it Doesn't Make it True Every other week we take a look at a new section of ActiveRain Product Reviews. For the first time we are going back and revisiting one of the sections. Normally there is a method to our madness and revisiting the 'Real Estate Mobile Apps' section is ...
  Newsletters & Email Follow-up Your job is to hit the pavement every day, drumming up business, right? Who has time to sit down and compose a pithy newsletter every month? Actually, lots of people. It's just another job that, should you choose to use newsletters and email drip campaigns, requir...

Product Reviews

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