Like: Home > Blogs > Patricia Justice > Patricia Justice's (pjustice1) Blog WOW! From One Year to One Week!   By Patricia Justice Home Stager with Home Staging by Patricia Email Short URL  Share: April 05, 2017 10:01 AM Report     Very recently, a home seller contacted me in frustration and de...
I had a home seller just recently contact me in frustration and desperation.  Her home had been on the market for one year, and she was tired.   I looked over the listing, asked some basic questions, and everything seemed to be in order with the exception of the home needing some "oomph." She was...
 In our incredibly busy world, sometimes large projects can seem very overwhelming, and oftentimes we just say “forget it!” and step away.  Do you ever feel that way also?I know for me, my husband travels a lot for work, has little free time, and when he is home, lots of projects are not his idea...
Hi All,I had put  this FREE event on a lot of the local calendars, but didn't think to put this out on Active Rain!  Anyway, sometimes last minute notifications work best!I want to invite both home sellers and home dwellers to this GREAT FREE Workshop featuring the top 10 things a home seller sho...

Patricia Justice

Home Staging and Redesign Expert in Winston-Salem
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