Pat Whitehouse REMAX 1st Olympic Lynchburg Va. Broker/Owner

Real Estate Broker/Owner - RE/MAX 1st Olympic Lynchburg Va
 New listing-1015 Shula Dr. Hurt Va. 1568 sq ft-3 BR*2 BA on 7 acres-$129,900 MLS#262075 29S- (L) onto Shula Drive-home 3 miles on right-see sign.   7 acres of land-clean, clean- brick permanent foundation-carport,wheelchair ramp-storage-private wooded lot- all appliances.   VIRTUAL TOUR   Locate...
Open House-202 Goose Hollow Dr. Forest Va. Sunday Sept 12-1-3 P.M.  VIRTUAL TOUR   Call Pat Preston BROKER/OWNER     ABR, CDPE, CRB,CREA,CRS,GRI,SRES at  Office Phone: (434) 832-1100 x 320 Cell Phone: (434) 841-9001 for more information or to schedule a showing Check out MY WEBSITE for more real ...
New listing-108 Buckingham Dr Lynchburg-2049 sq ft 4BR-3BA-$169,900 So much house for the $!! Wonderful home w/ tons of space. Note the brigh feel inside! With acceptable offer appliances convey. MLS#261769 Timberlake Rd - Dreaming Creek Dr - Brunswick Dr - (L) Buckingham Dr - house on left see s...
  Realtor Luncheon-Tuesday-June 29th 12:30-2 p.m. 1076 Moonlit Cove Lynchburg-$269,900 MLS #259600 PROPERTY INFO   DIRECTIONS-221to Cottontown Rd. Bear(R)onto Hawkins Mill Rd. (L) Silver Creek (L) Moonlit Cove Ln-home on (L)   4 houses OPEN in the same area with plenty of food. A special gift to ...
 202 Goose Hollow Creek Dr. Forest Va. 3BR*2BA-1720 sq ft-$134,900 MLS #260610 PROPERTY INFO   VIRTUAL TOUR   For more info call Pat at 434-841-9001 and check out my website     Pat Preston | RE/MAX 1st Olympic | (434) 841-9001 202 Goose Hollow Creek Dr., Forest, VA Tons...
 510 Little Creek Rd. Lynchburg Va-2025 sq ft. 4BR*2.5BA-$199,500 MLS#260609 PROPERTY INFO   VIRTUAL TOUR    For more info call Pat at 434-841-9001. Check out my website for more listings.     Pat Preston | RE/MAX 1st Olympic | (434) 841-9001 510 Little Creek Rd, Lynchbu...
  PUPPY SIGHS “Danielle keeps repeating it over and over again. We've been back to this animal shelter at least five times. It has been weeks now since we started all of this," the mother told the volunteer. "What is it she keeps asking for?" the volunteer asked. "Puppy size!" replied the mother....
  Every year on my birthday, from the time I turned 12, one white gardenia was delivered anonymously to me at my house. There was never a card or note, and calls to the florist were in vain, because the purchase was always made in cash. After a while, I stopped trying to discover the identity of...
 Happy Fathers Day to my Dad and all Dad's everywhere     Fathers are wonderful people Too little understood, And we do not sing their praises As often as we should... For, somehow, Father seems to be The man who pays the bills, While Mother binds up little hurts And nurses all our ills... And Fa...
She had been shopping with her Mom in Wal*Mart. She must have been 6 years old, this beautiful brown haired, freckle-faced image of innocence. It was pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the tops of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the Earth it has no time to flow out the sp...