This is an excallent use of Internet Marketing. When you are marketing your business, a listing, or a service, always user the various avenues that are availabe, espcially the ones that are free (or at least inexpensive.) And, as Kristie points out, always target your audience. Geography, prop...
I really enjoyed this post from Debbie Gartner from Floor Coverings International in Westchester (all I did there was cut and paste that sentence from Debbie's post.) As a professional Social Media and Internet marketer, it is always a pleasure to read about blogging and marketing from business o...
Yup ... another post about relationships ... LOL This week I've learned the real value of providing good customer service. As many of you now know, I own the development and distribution rights to a software package called "ReDocs", and this package is mainly used by Real Estate Attorneys for co...
“What is in it for me?” NOTHING … if this is the attitude with which you approach any potential networking group or activity, and even more so if the group is designed to bring referrals to its members. Relationships – networking, marketing, sales, business development – it is all about relations...
Do you have forms that you need to fill out for your transactions? Do you find that for some, or many, you need to type or handwrite the information ... over, and over, and over again? We can help you! Hi, my name is Patrick Ciriello, and I own a product called ReDocs, which is short for "Real E...