So, you click the “like” button. Now what? What does it really mean to “like” a Facebook page? Does it mean you really like the page? The brand? The product? Or are you just curious? Or might you even be guilty of lurking? What did or would you have liked to see after you click like? Are you wa...
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through Tweetville Not a tweeter was tweeting, not even the high Klouts. The iphones were hidden by Santa’s little elves, In hopes that the Tweeters would do something else. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of daddy without...
As 2011 approaches business leaders are scurrying and hurrying to complete their business plans so their stockings of 2011 can be filled with lots of good treats from Santa. For big business it often comes easy as it’s in the DNA of business leaders. It’s how we were educated, trained and simply...
How many times have you heard “my objective for 2011 is to do social media“? I have heard it far too many. If you are in business to make money then your objective should not BE social media. Your business objectives and goals should come first. Social media should support your business objec...
The older I get the more I realize how smart my mother & Dr. Suess are. Yes, Dr. Suess may have some crazy rhymes and guys drawn in his books. However, if you look at the core of his thoughts and words, the man was brilliant. I think he can teach us some nice lessons in regard to social media. 1...
Cyber Monday… even the words sound like fun. However, many businesses miss out on a great day to increase sales and connect with their audience because they think it’s only for the big online retailers. Wrong! You don’t have to be Best Buy or Dell to take advantage of Cyber Monday. Are you a bu...
Happy Thanksgiving! Wow, what an awesome year this has been. I am in awe of what can be accomplished in a short time when you set your mind to it, give God the keys and hold on for a turbo zoom style ride! I could write a book on all of the things I am thankful for. I will write a longer blog po...
In business we need to focus on the pieces that enable and support the business. The infrastructure, products, sales, websites, social media, accounting, program management, and the list goes on. It’s easy to lose site of what business is about. You can look at business as being only about makin...
What do you have on deck this week? Update the website? Fix your online shopping cart? Write a new blog post about your new services? Blast an email to your list so they will visit your updated website, read your blog about your services, use your no longer broken shopping cart and hopefully buy...
Random acts of marketing. We call them RAMs or RAMMIES. What are they? They are acts of marketing that are not integrated, funded or properly planned. Yes, when looked at individually they may have a great plan, cool graphics, awesome web page. However, it's like putting lipstick on a pig. A RAM...