It is Thankful Thursday and I am back to thank all the people who have helped me during my development as a blogger. ActiveRain members are the best most responsive group of people around and I love this community. Being here with you has given me the wings to fly off into other areas and my ne...
Hello ActiveRain! It has been a while since I popped in here. I have been busy with both Real Estate (I have a closing next week Yeah!) and my new Mary Kay business. I am so excited about this I had to share it with you all! Please join me in KISSING THE VIOLENCE GOODBYE! Yes Mary Kay is dona...
I am sitting here with tears running down for Carole and her family. We spoke so many times and I had hoped to meet her in New Paltz one day with her daughter Laura. She was always joyful and helpful to everyone. Please go to the original blog and comment so that her family will see how much ...
Sometimes doing the best thing for your clients means letting them go. I had to let them go. You see they were buyer clients of mine from several years ago who decided not to buy after searching and finding the right place at the wrong time. The location they were looking in before really was ...
I know I have not been around much lately. I have been busy with a client in finding her the perfect New York City escape home here in the Pine Bush area. She is happy enough with me so far to have sent me a referral and that is wonderful. I have also been busy launching a new business, total...
Did you ever spell something wrong when searching on the Internet? You can wind up in some really strange places. If you add a .com where a .org or .gov belongs and you might find yourself in some really spicy locations. Well yesterday while searching for a recipe I stumbled upon the BEST RECIP...
Have you ever noticed something that just makes you sit back and say "Ok where's the camera?" I can't believe some of the things I see. Today being April Fools Day I feel it appropriate to share a little something that makes me smile and humbles me on almost a daily basis. You all know how the...
Yesterday I wrote a post about personal responsibility. I made some points about the current state of our country and it's people. It has been enlightening to read the comments. I do enjoy knowing what others are thinking. As I said in the beginning I usually don't make political statements he...
We need to teach them how to fish. I usually don't make political statements here, it really isn't the place for it. I have been holding something in for a while and now find I need to get this out. We as a country have spent immense amounts of money bailing and patching, supporting and saving,...
When I was quite small and learning to walk I was a determined child. My mother told me that I would repeat "Can Do" over and over when trying to take those first steps. They called me the "Can Do" girl. As I look back over my accomplishments in life I see that the times I employed a "Can Do" ...