Content stealing jerks.That’s an interesting way to put it. You know those people that copy and paste your life blood. Those sweat and tear soaked articles you work so hard for and at the click of a few buttons someone else is getting credit. Some of these people are so bad at stealing they leav
A while back I wrote a post trying to warn everyone that Captcha as a security measure has been defeated. This basically means that anyone who has a blog or any site that uses Captcha for security pretty much has no security. Spammers could easily hit your site with whatever they want and that’s
Ok at first when I read this my first thought was wow are they crazy or what? Then when I figured out how it works I wasn’t quite so shocked. Apparently they are working on a way or are going to just integrate Twitter into OnStar so that you can Tweet while you drive. Sounds dangerous right? Wel
This is probably something that most people don’t think about. I know a lot of people are becoming more environmentally aware or conscious and that’s a good thing. Remember that our resources are limited and putting bad stuff back into the environment is not a good thing. Neither is wasting reso
Ok I thought this sort of speculation was a thing of the past because so many SEO websites, gurus, and bloggers have covered this topic that I guess I thought everyone knew the answer but it seems not everyone knows so I will try to cover the topic. The question? Does Google discount reciprocal
I wasn’t sure if the title of this post should be “and I blogged to tell about it” or “I lived to blog about it!” Either way I sure had a busy day the other day. I know some people wouldn’t want me talking about their situation so I try to change things up a bit. But this has seriously been one
For most people privacy is not only a concern it’s an absolute must. This is especially true when it comes to minors on the internet. Privacy matters as well when it comes to spam because in this day and age no one likes to give out emails because of the inevitable onslaught of spam that ensues
Twitter turned 3 years old the other day and for most people that number probably seems strange because for most people Twitter is rather new. I admit I didn’t know about Twitter 3 years ago but I guess I was into social networking when hotmail was new and am only getting back into it now becaus
Google just announced some rather big news in how it displays search results (SERP) by now providing an even longer snippet. A snippet is what used to be just a bit of text located right below the link on the results page but now they are rolling out an even longer result. While this is great for
For years SEO experts and not-so-experts have been saying that semantic searching will be the next big thing since Kool-Aid. Some have said it was already here and some said it would never come. Well it’s here. Well sort of. Google announced yesterday that “we're deploying a new technology that