It will be interesting to see if the volume of sales continues to climb after the Tax rebate goes away at the end of April. You might notice that even though the number of sales increased the price per square foot increased slightly over the preceding month but was well below the January amou
2009 First Quarter Residential Sales figures for the four County area of Northwest Arkansas.
Setting by your Computer and phone waiting for someone to call you back? If so Google... nwaproperties and give me a call and let me know what happened. You can call the number displayed on any of the links on the first page and reach me but you can only reach me on seven out of ten links on th
Oak Hill Marketing Information Area Sales First Six Months of 2008 - Oal Hill Addition (All Units & Phases)- Rogers, Arkansas # Solds Factors Size Price Per Sq/ft Sold Date DOM 3 Average 1,683 $123,200 $73.52 5/11/2008 26
Here is a chart indicating the Rogers Market Share for 2007. Check out my market report by clicking the "Sold Information" tab on my web site at (Be patient as you are opening a large report) it will take a few seconds to load but I think you'll agree that it was worth the
Thought someone might find this interesting... The first colum is the "Price range considered, next is the Average size of the homes, next you'll find the Average price per Sq/Ft, and last but not least the Average Days On The Market" I will be posting the same figures for the first 6 months
If you are interested in the marketing conditions in Benton & Washington Counties in Northwest Arkansas here is some information you wont want to miss. This first chart is one of 23 that you can find on my website by clicking and then clicking "Sold Information". If you g
Hi everyone, this is my first Blog so bear with me if I do something wrong. I discovered ActiveRain by accident, so here I am, hoping to "make new friends and influence people". First let me invite you to visit my site and let me know what you think. I am trying to build one that will be user