The September General Membership Meeting of the Milford Historical Society will take place this Thursday, September 19th. Our Speaker will be Don Wilson and will be speaking on the Evolution of the Bicycle. Our speaker collected vintage bikes in the past but now only has three vintage bikes (p
I’m not sure how anyone else feels about this, but I’m getting really tired of what Facebook has morphed into and the entire Like Me, Like Me, Friend Me requests thing. There’s nothing wrong with having a button to allow people to express that they do, in fact, like someone or some business. Howe
“When someone does something good, applaud. You will make two people happy.” (Sam Goldwyn) I’ve not been posting much to my blogs lately it seems. Perhaps I’ve been too busy or think I have been. In any event I went back and looked at a little page of sayings that I keep on my desktop, many of t
I support many local groups and all of them are worthy causes run by passionate people. The Village Fine Arts Association is one of those groups. They have an annual art competition that is worth knowing about, especially if you are a Michigan-based artist. Below is their press release about this
Oak Grove Cemetery Tour Enjoy a guided tour of Oak Grove Cemetery on Thursday, Aug 22nd and Saturday, Aug 24th Learn about the exceptional women of Milford, their stories and accomplishments spanning 175 years. Thursday tour begins at 6:30 p.m. and Saturday's tour will begin at 1 p.m. Tours
Wow, the summer is going fast. Milford Memories is history and school is about to start. We’ll have one last summer fling over the Labor Day weekend and then it’s back to a more normal pace. There are lots of smaller events coming up in the area, but the next big thing is the Milford Home Tou
Several reports from various industry sources seem to reinforce the notion that the housing market is moving back towards equilibrium from it frantic pace of recovery early this year. The prime indicator is the lack of a big jump in prices between June and July of this year. Prices still went u
Here's an interesting Press Release of Jul 31, 2013, from the people at on a survey that they did concerning the stress that a home remodeling project can put on couples. Houzz Survey Unveils Happy Ending to the Turmoil as 84 Percent of Couples Spend More Time at Home Post-Remodel - R
“Beware the barrenness of a busy life.” – Socrates I found that little saying on-line when I decided to write a quick piece about being too busy to write anything lately on my blogs. It has to be a quick piece, because I’m so busy. There is within that simple saying there’s lots of truth and insi
“It is not the oath that makes us believe the man, but the man that makes us believe the oath.” (Aeschylus) from the Jack’s Winning Words blog. Wow, Aeschylus must have known a Realtor! The same can certainly be said about our Realtor Code of Ethics. Having the NAR Code of Ethics is oft pointed