Did you ever wonder every now and then about other towns around the world that have the same name as the town that you live in? I do. So below is a collection of links, admittedly hastily compiled, that will lead you to several other places named Milford. I live in Milford, Michigan; which is a
“Never regret. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience.” (Victoria Holt) Regret is one of those human nature things that are hard for many to let go of, just like self-doubt. Some may mask the term in other words, like “Monday morning quarterbacking”; however, that Monday mor
Halloween has become the second largest annual holiday, as far as sales of decorations and stuff to celebrate the day, right after Christmas. It’s a fun holiday without a lot of patriotic, emotional or religious trappings. One could be tempted to say it’s a holiday for the kids; but, that would i
A special General Membership Meeting of the Milford Historical Society is scheduled for this Thursday, October 17th and will take place at the Milford Library. The Milford Historical Society and the Milford Library have join forces to bring the Motor City Ghosthunters to Milford. Their Motto is
October is Special Needs Awareness Month and there is a local event coming that will help families with special needs members understand what programs might be available and what protections under the law they should be aware of. The Family Aging & Law Center is hosting a special event at Baker’s
“Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.” (Wayne Dyer)- from my daily read at the Jack’s Winning Words blog. What an easy saying to do a blog post about. Taking a positive attitude about how you look at things will make things look positive. I suppose the opposi
There's certainly lots to do in the Huron Valley area - Milford, Highland White Lake and Commerce - in the month of October, much of it to do with pumpkins and hayrides and little ghosts and goblins. To check out the events in this area go to my Web site - www.movetomilford.com I try to keep up
From the daily blog Jack’s Winning Words comes this post - “When baseball’s no longer fun, it’s no longer a game.” (Joe DiMaggio) Joltin’ Joe was batting .350 and was a highly paid player when he retired, saying,” baseball is no longer fun.” I suppose most of us would not classify our job as f
“I arise in the morning torn between the desire to save the world and a desire to savor the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” (E.B. White) from my favorite daily blog – Jack’s Winning Words. I think I might exchange the word “conquer” for “save” in the saying above, but then it w
I have thought lately about how often I have to be rude or bordering on rude to get through to some telemarketing lackey that I really don’t want to discuss whatever goods, services or cause they are calling about. More and more these intrusive callers just don’t take “no thank you” for an answer