As these are uploaded on Youtube I am posting them for those of you who have been following my progress. (Refer to my blog series, The Other Side Of Me, for the story leading up to this.) I am launching a fundraiser called "Raise The Bar" for the new emergency ward being built at our own Nanaimo ...
When looking to buy, it's important to keep your secrets in one place. Bouncing from agent to agent as a buyer is neither a sound practice nor in your best interest. Here's why: Imagine this scenario: You call Agent Al to book an appointment to see his listing on Charming Avenue. Once there, Al a...
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep I pray the Real Estate Gods don't let me get in too deep If a listing sells before I wake I hope it's mine 'cause of the commission I'll make... Grant me patience with bankers who think buyers don't qualify, with buyers who think properties are overpriced, with seller...
Selling Your Home During the Holiday SeasonSelling your home over the holidays can be a bit of a challenge. There are fewer buyers out there and it can take longer. On the upside, there is also less competition on the market and the buyers that are out there, for the most part, are the serious on...
Mortgage Rate Market Update The paragraph below is compliments of Layth Matthews of RateMiser Mortgage Advisors: Fixed mortgage rates bumped up at most lenders across the board today. We view this as a positive, but likely temporary sign for the economy. The Bank of Canada has also recently r...
Hello Everyone! I'm posting these newly received photos to finish off the news I've been posting on my recent competition at the Western Canadians in Vancouver. More photos can be found on my Heaslip Homes Facebook page.
The Other Side Of Me: After the Western Canadians Hello everyone! I am posting this as a follow up to my original post, "The Other Side Of Me". as I received such wonderful comments and encouragement back from you. I am so very pleased to have inspired people. When something in life makes you fee...
Welcome to the other side of me. As I prepare to compete tomorrow afternoon in Vancouver at the 2010 Western Canadian Powerlifting Championships I have been reflecting on how this way of life has spilled over into so many other facets of my life. I have trained for 31 years and during that time l...
30 Giggleswick Place in Nanaimo is now reduced to $259,900....Just putting that out there in case someone knows someone looking for a deal like this one!
Market Your Home With Age In Place RenovationsOur housing needs change as our health and lives change. More and more people are looking to a less expensive and more independent alternative to nursing homes. As I write this article I am being made aware of a niche in our market that needs more att...