Totally agree 1 million %! I read comments but hate if no instructions on who to call. You call Agent, they say call office, I say move on to my Buyer(s)!The confidential agent remarks in the MLS are for US...let's all please read them! Maybe I am crazy and just an odd ball, maybe I am the one wh...
Can you spell? L-I-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y!!! Sure you can! Can you spell L-A-W-S-U-I-T? I could see this happening if someone were to get shocked! Better suggest they get a LICENSED Electrician on this! It's a wonderful day in my neighborhood! A wonderful day for a neighbor, I need you to be, I'd like y...
I love when this happens! I ask them to tell me what type of Buyer will buy and where do I need to deliver the listing! Price, Price, Price ~ Location, Location, LOCATION!Over the past eight years I have heard the following statement hundreds of times, "We are looking for the ONE BUYER who is wil...
I said that I would never text message but now I let everyone know that I can respond to text quicker than any other means of communication. I can text in a Restaurant but feel like it's rude to let everyone hear my conversation. So here's the deal: through various means of circumstantial provisi...
I wrote about this same subject 2 years ago! It never ceases to amaze me when I see an Agent's photo that was taken 20+ years ago. It is so common. People want to feel like they know you when you meet face to face.I was reading a blog today. Good blog, well written, well thought of. And when I re...
I always use up all pictures for MLS. If I can't post all of what I want then my tours show the space. Youtube has worked wonders! Pictures are worth their weight in GOLD!Listing agents, please bring attention to unique selling features in the MLS. I am currently working with 2 different buyers....
Totally Agree! I have told several buyers to wait to see if rates will drop. They dropped and here we are with alot more savings!No, I'm not being facetious or implying you're a dummy because you haven't bought a house yet. In fact, just the opposite; waiting until now to buy has saved you thou...
Yale University recently did a survey in marketing and advertisements as well as communication to come up with the 12 most persuasive words in communication. By combining these word communication gets much higher results in getting people to do what you want. I have been using these words in busi...
.......Lender Business Processing Service. Not quite sure how long they have been offering their servies to lenders but I have just had my first experience with them this week. In fact, I am on hold with them as I write this article. I've been on hold for over 2 hours!!! I wrote a post a few wee...
Get real! Why would I want to have an agent act as a middleman when I can deal with the builder? I can get the house for less because there will be no commission to pay. Why should I lose thousands of dollars just to have you walk in with me? If you are a home buyer how often have you thought t...