He really did look like Popeye. When he got out of the truck he walked like Popeye and when he spoke, it was with the rasp of a swarthy man...3 packs a day I would guess. He was nice enough. As we looked at my rental and he told me what he was looking for, two things became crystal c...
I gave my first PRC Quiet Heroes presentation in Evans, GA, to Evans Elementary School PTO on November 14, 2008. I would like to thank Mr. Weinand, principal of Evans Elementary School, and Ms. Bobbie Sue Shiffhauer, president of the Evans Elementary School PTO for their support and the opportuni...
Market Report for Columbia County, GA for October 2008 The numbers are down…but not as much as the rest of the world thinks. There are several areas of Columbia County where the numbers are encouraging. Unfortunately, Martinez, GA is the big drag on all the other areas. Things are bad in Ma...
To my brothers and sisters who have served honorably and felt the chill that comes when the Marine's Hymn is played...Happy Birthday! For anyone who cares I served in the Corps from 1 May 83 to 1 Jun 2003. I went to boot camp at MCRD Paris Island. Was an enlisted Marine until 30 Aug 91 and wa...
The Columbia County Fair is sponsored by the Columbia County Merchants Association and is always a welcomed treat. There is always a lot to see and do when the fair comes to town. One of the premier fall attractions somewhere between Halloween and Thanksgiving. The perennial favorites are alwa...
I thought I would outsmart everyone else in Evans (Columbia County GA) by voting early. I first went by my polling place on Tuesday, October 28th. The line was impressive and a harbinger of things to come. I swung by again at 10:00 on Friday, October 31st. I pulled out my "book-de-jure" think...
This may not be earth-shattering news for anyone who has not been thrown back to the mid-70s and having difficulty finding gas. I was only 13 the first time and was actually a "gas-jockey" when we ran out of gas. My first real, money paying job. I made $1.10/hr and was living "high on the hog."...