If at this point you have received notices from your lender the first step is to call them .Many lenders will work with you to get you caught up on your payments but the first step is to call your lender.Perhaps you can re negotiate the terms of the loan usually this will increase your interest r
It is a Great Time to buy a home ,Are you looking to buy or sell a home ?Knoxville has not seen a major drop in prices but has seen a slight decline previously most homes would go for 97% of asking price, The market now is 95 to 96 % . Properly priced well maintained homes in top condition are g
If you are selling your home for sale by owner here are a few statistics to think about The number 1 reason sellers go FSBO is to save the commission. 51% in 2006To sell to a neighbor ,friend or family . 22% in 2006Buyer contacted . 12% in 2006To avoid dealing with Realtors .
I have a 60 day marketing plan that will give your home the exposure required to bring qualified buyers my plan shows results .If you are currently working with buyers that are considering making an offer and you still want to give them a chance to make an offer I can contact them and tell them
There are many programs currently available for first time buyers .Some of the programs offer up to $12,000 in down payment assistance I know of 5 new construction homes in Knoxville that offer this program . Call or email me for additional information margaret@margaretrodgers.comAnother Great
Some things to know before you start the search.CREDITPlease get pre approved for a Mortgage by a lender of your choice. Your lender will request a copy of your credit report ,you can get one for yourself before you contact a lender .Know your scores ,verify that all the information is correct ,
Why Didn't My Home Sell? Wondering why your home didn't sell? Whether you did the "FSBO" thing (For Sale By Owner) or had a full-service REALTOR or anything in between, I may be able to help. There are three basic reasons a home doesn't sell: 1) Price: If your home isn't priced competitively, t
Avoiding ForeclosureA pending FORECLOSURE can be stressful .For Temporary problems ,options may include:Forbearance A lender may reduce or suspend payments for a short time,after which another option must be agreed on to bring the mortgage current. Reinstatement Lenders may discuss accepting a