REALTOR Andrew Mooers' Maine Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - MOOERS REALTY - ME Broker License 106759
All Maine real estate agents, brokers, REALTORS are the same right? No...each real estate agent, broker has different sets of skills unique to their market. In a small rural market like northern Maine where there are 11 people per square mile, the day to day routine is different than a broker in a city with wall to wall brokers and a myriad of transactions. In rural Maine, our prices are much lower, people don't lock doors, more smaller commission sales. Unspoiled scenery and what life's like in Aroostook County and its real estate market. Affordable property listings, no crime, no traffic, just wildlife, friendly people, fresh air, clean water. Ready to start the dream? Maine, the way life should be.



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How's Your CTR, CTA, All AOK?Your online audience has a lot of options in their down and dirty real estate search for information. Building an audience for your real estate listings, blog posts, and videos is all about creating content worth the time to glean. Information for a problem solution o...
Meat and Potato simple real estate video. Roll your own for the show and tell a new real estate listing. Or hire it out, do video take out for the all done and ready for an upload to your established real estate video channels. Which of the two video camps are you in? Or is none of the above box...
Why Real Estate Video Channels Fail (And How to Fix Yours)Does this sound like you? "In the year 2025, I promised myself this is the year of real estate video." Oh yeah, I have a YouTube real estate video channel.But it’s been a while since I uploaded any videos.How long you ask? (Checking for la...
AI generated real estate blog post.Like Cliff's Notes, Monarch Notes, valuable worthwhile real estate blog posts are not created copy and paste skimming the highlights. Your real estate blog audience can spot "somethings not quite right".If they don't get what they came into your marketing tent e...