Maine has 14,000 miles of trails to enjoy riding out in the open on your snowmobile, snow sled. And Maine snow sled club members all pitch in to make their connections, trail sections the best possible. With whatever Mother Nature, Jack Frost tag team and combine to create for a winter wonderland
Hold it, before you change the 2013, over the 2012 with the magic of wite out to 2014 preparing for the new year, think about your resolutions list. Why the problem, struggle, such an ordeal to get items off that wish list for good? To shorten the collection, everything under control to come out
The holidays are a time to ease back, blend into the family tightly and real estate buyers talk plenty about recreational properties. How we all ought to chip in and buy a lake place in Maine. That such a purchase would mean we all can do, get something next to the H2O in Maine together. For year
The memories of each and every child made ornament on your Christmas tree. Made with love many years ago. The plaster of paris little hand print. The Rudolph hand crafted that you can just see the tip of the child's tongue showing out of the corner of their mouth. Struggling, determined to make i
The blogger has a seven paragraph machined, ghost written real estate blog post. Copy and pasted. No images, no video embed, just whatever came out of the box that was from a paid, hired ink and feather service. Then the next blog done on the channel is a skimpy short, sweet with no time put into
The real estate buyer goes online for 90 percent of their home buying searches, property listing shopping. And the last thing you want is your session with that home buyer stopping when the mouse double clicks. He or she flits. Stops sniffing. And off they go out into the wild blue yonder of the
Customer service, everyone listing, peddling properties is in this sales arena has a part, role. And the trick to make it helpful, full service special, memorable for the real estate buyers and sellers we work with daily. Year in and out. So all the abbreviations, the behind the scenes layers of
The tendency to generalize and have one size fits all, apply does not work with national weather forecasts, the clothing you and I have hanging in the closet. The same is true with real estate markets. The way they operate and rock, roll. The higher the price tag hanging off the property listings
Homes with land in Maine for sale. Is that the mission? On the hunt for a property listing with more than a few feet surrounding the house? Then Maine wins the coin toss. Head north, to the beginning of Interstate 95 where it connects with the Trans Canada highway, the Atlantic Provinces. Picture
New homes in Maine for sale with land. For the space to S-T-R-E-T-C-H out. For development or to slice a piece off for the kids to build some day. For raising beef, horsing around with the hay burners, planting, harvesting crops. Eat healthy, be happy. Simple Maine lifestyle is waiting if the tim