REALTOR Andrew Mooers' Maine Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - MOOERS REALTY - ME Broker License 106759
All Maine real estate agents, brokers, REALTORS are the same right? No...each real estate agent, broker has different sets of skills unique to their market. In a small rural market like northern Maine where there are 11 people per square mile, the day to day routine is different than a broker in a city with wall to wall brokers and a myriad of transactions. In rural Maine, our prices are much lower, people don't lock doors, more smaller commission sales. Unspoiled scenery and what life's like in Aroostook County and its real estate market. Affordable property listings, no crime, no traffic, just wildlife, friendly people, fresh air, clean water. Ready to start the dream? Maine, the way life should be.



Winter is a time when Mainers snowsled, snow shoe, cross country and down hill ski. Play pond hockey, watch games on the ice. This weekend in Houlton Maine is the annual winter celebration with free games, bonfires, snowsled light parade thru town, snowsled clubs breakfast, suppers and more. The ...
     When you adjust the treble and bass on your car radio, home stereo, the sound improves to compensate for the environment or something lacking in the speaker quality. You can shape, improve the sound. An equalizer has more audio sound frequency adjustment options. And if a real estate broker ...
     Saw Sherlock Holmes flick last Thursday night. His powers of observation would make him a heck of a REALTOR. When a real estate broker approaches a property, his mind whirls in to overdrive. What to capture, rebroadcast for listing elements to showcase what the seller owns. Where this proper...
     There is an expression in hockey about "there are no ugly goals." Real estate sales are like that. I have never listed a property I did not want to sell. But what if a broker has an "ah ha" moment? Decides he or she is better served to only sell, go after and market the big ticket properties...
     Don't keep it a secret. Play the real estate cards you are holding. You put so much time in to securing the privilege, honor of getting a real estate listing to sell. Detail to make the marketing the best is key. Real estate sales do not just happen. Clear concise copy crafted to answer ques...
     The small price tagged Maine real estate listings sure make the phone ring, the emails to flow like honey. "The lower the price, the more the buyers". But the reality of the small house with ten foot pole marks on it, or the acre lot in the middle of nowhere is the lint on the title. Legal i...
Real estate video lets you around the outside, inside of this guided tour of 22 Florence Avenue Houlton Maine home. Take the tour. Don't worry about your shoes for this walk thru. In one family since the 1940's. Three units to put two thirds of the place to work while you live here for free. Grow...
     The strain, extra load on a generator comes from too many "calls" for power with this and that. You are the generator when you think about it. Gas (food) gets added and you keep trying to meet the demands of everything plugged in. Only so many outlets, just so much power. It can go black if ...
     Your best growing up. Was it good enough for your parents? Were your parents even in the picture? What makes you tick? Did a blog on health care reform and the need for taking a front end preventative illness approach early on. Rather than last minute million dollar try to save the patient m...
No matter how much you hear it, it bears repeating over and over and over no matter what your real estate market...Like Rene Norton posts. Snooze and lose.94 Shopping Days Left to Receive Federal Tax Credit Would you like to purchase a home?  Perhaps your first home?  Perhaps you are a repeat buy...