REALTOR Andrew Mooers' Maine Real Estate Blog

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Real Estate Agent - MOOERS REALTY - ME Broker License 106759
All Maine real estate agents, brokers, REALTORS are the same right? No...each real estate agent, broker has different sets of skills unique to their market. In a small rural market like northern Maine where there are 11 people per square mile, the day to day routine is different than a broker in a city with wall to wall brokers and a myriad of transactions. In rural Maine, our prices are much lower, people don't lock doors, more smaller commission sales. Unspoiled scenery and what life's like in Aroostook County and its real estate market. Affordable property listings, no crime, no traffic, just wildlife, friendly people, fresh air, clean water. Ready to start the dream? Maine, the way life should be.



          In Maine, 100,000 small woodlot owners band together to  manage their properties.  If you want to maximize your investment, consider joining this group. Small woodlot owners in Maine own 33% of the Pine Tree state's wooded sections, or 5.5 million acres of property. More on managing you...
How do you handle the conversation with a buyer or seller that tells you  twice, three, four times and more the same thing?  You agree with them, you acknowldge you understand, but sometimes the other side of the conversation starts a continuous loop...nothing new is added but rehash of the same ...
You are Joe Agent..meeting with young couple asking you to see  a simple  trailer to avoid renting for a few more years.  What's your attitude ?  Not excited or helpful because you would not like to buy a trailer yourself?  Too small a sale for your time? It is not about you and your preferences....
      You are a brand new real estate sport a new brief case from Santa, 500 business cards wih a thousand watt smile and a provisional license for a year.  You are ready to take to the open road.  Listings, listings, listings...collect 'em, get those sellers signed up pronto.  With t...
        Man's best friend? No...its not a real estate broker...its a loving cat or dog.  In the Southern Aroostook area, the Houlton Human Society is active, healthy and now housed in a brand new facility.  Funds raised in the Houlton area from individuals and civic groups like the Houlton Rotary...
When the ice storms of southern Maine caused long power outages, northern Maine just received a thick blanket of white much that the arena where youth play hockey caved in.  Luckily no one was inside and FEMA money plus insurance funds helps make a bigger, better facility with ice makin...
       Ready to race your soap box derby car?  Cars, kids and parents come from all over the country to experience gravity racing to win points to go to Akron Ohio for the big world series of racing! Houlton's fall race application available here!  Registration form here! NORTHERN MAINE SOAP BOX ...
       As brokers out in the market prior to the sub prime derailment that is everywhere in the news now, it did not come as a surprise. As a broker...we had many situations where we list a home, find a buyer who is in the process of local financing but not completely thru....and then find out fr...
                 Maine's first wind farm...with 115 foot blades over 260 feet in the air! The Mars Hill Maine wind farm can meet the energy needs of 45,000 homes and more projects are in the hearing stage on the state level in other parts of the state.  Maine is positioned to be the number one le...
                      Over two dozen nationally reknown performers / bands playing a slug of musical flavors across five stages on Bangor Maine's waterfront.  Have no plans for that weekend, August 24th-26th? Forget mowing the lawn, pack up the station wagon and head up Interstate 95 to Bangor Ma...