When you take exterior pictures...do you just lean out the window, with the mirror in the picture and shoot into the sun and say "good enough"? Or do you take when the sun is behind you, and when you get up the energy to get out of the car...and get a picture without the road and power poles and
In advertising write ups..short sentences, questions that appeal to the needs/wants/desires of the reader or viewer and lots of adjectives that nail it. Fantastic, panoramic, sportsman's paradise, blah blah blah. Have some fun..."Take this house and LOVE it!" for a caption. "How good are you w
A Big black hummer cruises into your office parking lot. This driver can afford anything...all your listings. Not necessarily. He or she may want this elegant Victorian...but a quick trip to the bank and suddenly they make 7 digits...but spend 7 digits. They are hand to mouth pay check to pay
From the time you were as tall as the kitchen table top, you were told over and over in school to go easy on the "I" in your writing. Try not to start sentences with "I". Kinda like salt...go easy on the the stuff. Run your peepers over the rainer's contributions..and the subsequent website for
You sponsor a little league team...a hockey team, soap box derby racers...right? You should. You make your money in the little burg or big city and need to sponsor youth in the many outlets available to you. Its fun, you open your sphere of influence...and who knows, if you stay at it long enou
Picture this. You have an appointment at four pm to show the little bungalow with the picket fence and Rotweiler this afternoon. Don't forget the piece of bologna for Spike. But while you are there, plan appointment number two for that couple you have been working with since you got your lic
Fact. There are folks with mental illness among us. You have listed property with sellers that have a tad of mental illness. You have dealt with stressed, paranoid buyers that are obsessed with the process happening warp factor five...like a life and death situation. Their head is a scary
Work Smarter Not Harder is not a catch phrase you have not heard before. But if you make a serious effort each day to plan that day, more can get accomplished. Waiting at a property to show it? Maybe you should have had the client meet at the office so when they are late, and more and mor
When you live in a little rural Mayberry type town, that is what you are selling...small town values. Friendly people and a community that cares. Trusting, no locked doors, willing to help. Northern Maine prices are so much lower than the rest of the world as the jobs are rewarding but gi