Buyers are starting to stir. We've had a couple warm days lately and the phone has started ringing. Looks like spring is in the air, though it's actually quite a ways down the road. My thoughts are that the buyers out now have been putting off buying for one reason or another and they're now o
I'm ready for the new year! 2012 promises to be a good one for me. My four pillars, Chinese astrology forecast is upbeat and so am I. Finally I can get something done! Ok, who said "phooey!"? Those of you who don't believe in astrological forecasts have good reasons! Most forecasts are don
Julia has blogged a very important point! I will remember this one! Don't advertise children! Watch how you take those photos...and don't advertise the children who live there! There are some very evil people out there looking for just such an ad! And, don't forget to tell them that everyone