Feng Shui This

Services for Real Estate Pros - Feng Shui This - 71258
FENG SHUI THIS Kentucky's Feng Shui Master Helping you find your perfect place.



There's Mr. Angry Agent, Mr. Angry Lawyer, and on it goes!  There's a time and place for everything...even anger, but if you find yourself listening to someone's diatribe and you know you don't deserve it....nail them to the wall.  If you deserve it, consider that maybe they were sent by the univ...
  When I go to a car lot I want to be able to read the price of the vehicle without calling out a salesperson.  (I know...I know...Haven't we had enough comparisons to used car salesmen already?)  Well, stereotypes usually start with some basis in fact.  We just have to rise above it.  I'm the s...
It also seems to me that the larger the homes, the more the trend for the family to be isolated and not so close.  We don't have to get along anymore...everyone has their own space.  No need to share.  Is that a good thing?  I don't think so.I have been licensed since 1992 and have seen changes i...
  When it comes to emails, I have to admit...I'm a pack rat.  I have a folder for my "sent" emails, a folder for my "deleted" emails and a folder for those I'm not quite sure what to do with "wth".  They're all stored at GoDaddy...a pretty decent place with a very unfortunate name and more unfort...

Monica Hess

Kentucky's Feng Shui Master
local_phone(859) 492-0582
smartphone(859) 492-0582
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