First Time Home Buyer Guidelines! If you're a First Time Home Buyer and in the market to buy a home, there are some questions that you need to ask, before getting started on this journey. I have found that one of the biggest fears a First Time Home Buyer has is NOT knowing what questions to ask. ...
Short Sales, The good, the bad and the ugly! Saving a few dollars and getting a great deal on a Short Sales is never a bad thing, but when do home-buyers need to consider looking elsewhere than Short Sales for great deals? There is no one right answer but I can give home-buyers looking for that ...
Manitou Springs, Colorado If you're planning a vacation and wanting that small town feel, Manitou Springs is the place you want to visit. With only a 10 minutue drive, you can be at the entrance way to the Pikes Peak road, which takes you all the way to the top of Pikes Peak. Manitou Springs offe...
Canceled Showings are rude to a Seller. For home-buyers, going out to look at homes is a fun time! However, Canceled Showingsare rude to a seller and not to mentiontough on an agent who scheduled them. I recently had a Canceled Showing attempt after my client drove by the home an hour early and d...
To Sell or Not to Sell, during the Holiday Season! Many home owners find it difficult to decide whether to put their home on the market during the Holidays or wait till the Spring. True is, Selling a home during the Holiday Season is a great opportunity to beat out the competition. The Holiday Se...
Monthly Market Housing Report, Colorado Springs Home owners who are considering on selling their home in the near future need to know what their local housing market is doing and what homes are selling for, by asking for a local Housing Report. A Housing Report is not a Market Analysis--very spec...
Short Sales and Scams in your Neighborhood! I recently became aware of a scam that was concerning Short Sales that might be in your neighborhood. I had been dealing with a person who seemed fairly interesting in Short Sales and said he was looking for some killer deals. The home buyer said he was...
Relocating to Colorado Springs! If you're a home-buyer that will be Relocating to Colorado Springs or the surrounding area, you're going to need some help with finding a home, Right? Try Relocating to Colorado Springs using a relocation specialist who knows what kind of attention to give his clie...
Home Values continue to be a mystery to Home Sellers! Has an agent ever heard this one from a potential home owner wanting to seller their home?...Why is it that my home is not worth what the one down the street is selling for? Home Values seem elusive to home sellers has they struggle to find th...
Manitou Springs, Colorado Did you know that Manitou Springs was ranked in the top 10 small cities to live in by Budget Travel. Nestled at the foot of Pikes Peak, Manitou Springs is a historical town with wonderful attractions like the Haunted Briar Hurst Manner--seen on Ghost Hunters in 2009,( I ...