Colorado Springs Realtor and Relocation Specialist Are you looking for a professional and qualified Colorado Springs Realtor to help you find your next home? Let me give you a quick tip on how you can get the answers you need about available homes, pictures and information, while avoiding hasslin...
New Verison Droid HTC Okay, so I just got the new Verison HTC Droid and WOW, am I impressed! Not only do I have GPS instant location, mapping and voice directions--should I need it, this puppy has more bells and whistles than a new car. What I really like is the Zillow house mapping. I is able t...
Colorado Springs Realtor, Relocation Services, If you're looking to relocate in or out of the Colorado Springs area, make sure you have a Colorado Springs Realtor who knows how to handle your move. Not just any Colorado Springs Realtor is set up or familiar with the complexity of coordinating the...
The Best Cell Phone for Realtors! As I find myself having to upgrade my phone in this technology crazed world, I quickly became overwhelmed with how many phones are out there and all the different things each can do. The Best Cell phone for Realtorshas to one that has Internet and mail capabiliti...
Short Sale Home Owners, Beware! If you're a home owner and even considering doing a Short Sale, beware of any Realtor hires an outside company to negotiate with the bank, and here's why! I came to my attention about two months ago when an investor as me to be part of his Short Sale negotiating te...
Real Estate Appraisers, the key to a good closing! When it comes to Real Estate Appraisers, Real Estate agents have their list of the good, the bad and the ugly. Just like Realtors, Real Estate Appraisers have different backgrounds, ideas of professionalism, areas of expertise, work ethic, morals...
Colorado Springs Realtor, Snow Business ! Glad to hear that you finally got some real snow and some frigid temperatures. This Colorado Springs Realtor knows all about freezing weather with a low this morning of -7. We had some lite snow a few days ago, but nothing significant in a while. As a Col...
Coloado Springs Realtor, Snow Business ! We are still snowed in up here/down here (however you want to see it) in Big Canoe with hopes of getting out by Sunday. This is the first time we've been truly snowed in since I moved here 5 years ago. I had the very best day hiking over to the waterfa...
Your Colorado Springs Realtor and Relocation Specialist! Don't wait for Spring time when home prices go up, buy a home early in 2010. Attention first time home buyers who are looking for the $8000 tax credit, which ends on April 30th 2010, you must act now if you plan on cashing in on the tax cre...
Preforeclosure homes and the problems that come with them, continued! Continued from my last blog "Preforeclosure homes and the problems that come with them" For those home buyers that are in the market to buy Preforclosure homes and are looking for that steal of a deal, you might want to think a...