Great Comment! I guess I should mention a recent showing I did in a building that required a special code for the elevator to get into the rest of the building. The code was given to me by the listing agent and the showing desk and neither of the two gave me the whole code or proper sequence. I...
What an amazing picture! I will have to show my amazing picture now, if I can figure out how to get it off my new HTC Droid phone. This is a great example of what Colorado Springs Realtors get to see on a frequent basis, along with great mountain scenery. The views we have here in Colorado Spring...
First Time Home Buyers, Colorado Springs Realtor and Internet Home Shopping! We all know that 85% of home buyers shop online to find a home, before ever contacting an Realtor. But eventually, the First time Home buyer will contact a Colorado Springs Realtor to further assistance them with looking...
One of my recent blogs was of a beautiful sunrise in Jamaica, with calm seas and magnificent views! What I didn't mention was the unfortunate moment when I decided that playing with sea life was a GREAT IDEA. The really bad or funny thing was that I was thinking of Steve Irwin--Alligator guy who...
Colorado Springs Homes For Sale, Market Data Keeping track of sales market data is an important part of a Realtors Job so they know how to advise their buyers and sellers during a real estate transaction. Below is a list of how many homes have been on the market in Colorado Springs over the last ...
On a recent trip to Jamaica, there were many mornings that looked just like this one. Some with more dynamic colors than this picture, but most very similar. The best thing about it was that it was in Jamaica and I got to be there. I highly recommend rest and relaxation from time to time and not...
10 Reasons To Relocate your Company in Colorado Springs Want to know more about local Real Estate? I just seen a great article put out by our local HBA and the Colorado Springs Regional Economic Development Corporation that I thought you should know about and share with your clients! Not only ar...
Buying a home, Home Buyers Does it really matter where a home-buyer decide to get his loan? Absolutely it does! Here is a myth that buyers should be aware of---Many times home-buyers are under the assumption that if they use their bank they will get the better deal!.....Not So, and to push my poi...
Buyers and Sellers, Colorado Springs Realtor, Colorado Springs homes for sale I'm picking up where I left off on my last blog about an article in the September addition of Money Magazine, starting on page 39. The article was basically addressing common mistakes that buyers and sellers often make,...
Buying and Selling Don't just take my word for it that keeping a cool head during real estate transaction will save you big bucks, just read September 2010 addition of Money Magazine, starting on page 39. It was titled "The Best Moves for Buyers and Sellers". The article pointed out the importanc...