Mayonnaise Jar & Two Beers... When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and the 2 Beers. A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, he wordlessly pi
This young man is what is great about America. His dedication and determination is what the men and women in our military are all about. God Bless him and every other vet for the sacrifices they have made for each one of us!
This is some great information. This is the kind of information we need. How many times have you wasted hours trying to make something work on your site and all it was, was a simple bog you either check or uncheck?For those of you who have this plugin, along with an IDX plugin, 100% of the tim
The St. Marys Police Department is pleased to announce an early start for fund raising efforts for the Badge of Benevolence. The Badge of Benevolence program collects money, food, and clothing donations throughout the year in order to provide for families during the holidays. This program helpe
I have several clients who have asked me questions about and if these folks are worth it. Let me preface this by saying these clients are Realtors who have been around for sometime but looking to save some money. They have been told that is about $70 per month and
Jacksonville lost 1,000 construction jobs between December 2009 and December 2010, or 3 percent, with 29,000 hanging on to jobs in an industry that has been clobbered by the economic recession for the past three years. That loss, however, was good news. It was the smallest December-to-December c
Google has accused Microsoft of stealing Google;s search queries. In a stunning search engine sting operation Google made up a search term and placed it on their servers. The next day they checked Bing using the search term they made up and Bing gave back the same search query. see below Micro
I was at a meeting recently where several folks remarked how many fewer agents there happen to be in Camden County Ga. I mentioned that I have seen the same thing happen. Many agents have left the field to pursue other avenues of work. A friend of mine up north has lost about 1/3 of his agents
This is agreat post about how to make that viral marketing really work for you. You want the exposure both to get new clients but also for the search engines.From earlier posts, remember pages don't feed, only posts feed. So if you're a blogger, then you already have a "source" to begin the vi
Another Great post by Nancy. This is so true and Point2 Clients should call Point2 and complain about this. Opening this up in a new window is what they should be doingI just noticed this morning that at the bottom of every Point2 Agent website are some text links to Yardi, Point2, Point2 Homes