This is from a blog I did here on ActiveRain in October of 2008. Who would have thought just how big this would get I do not think any of us in 2008 knew just how deep the spying on us went with the government. From October of 2008 - Check out this article about the AT&T secret backroom.
St Marys Ga is the only east coast location for the Navy's ballistic nuclear submarine fleet. Sitting adjacent to St Marys Ga on over 16,000 acres this base has been part of the St Marys Ga community for nearly 15 years. This base has kept the St Marys economy stable. The average home prices
Recently I had lunch with a couple of Real Estate agent friends of mine, mostly to discuss my recent decision to enter the Real Estate Business and get my license. The discussion came up about which Brokerage Model is the best to work under. Agent X worked under the traditional full service mo
Many people who come to St Marys Ga and Camden County are suprised not only how large the county is but are suprised how many schools we have. Currently Camden County GA has 9 elementary schools, 2 middle schools and one high school. The high school has over 2000 young adults attending and has
Many people who come to St Marys Ga and Camden County are suprised not only how large the county is but are suprised how many schools we have. Currently CCamden County GA has 9 elementary schools, 2 middle schools and one high school. The high school has over 2000 young adults attending and has
These words have been uttered by so many people but never by me. I have always enjoyed working with Realtors partial because they are some of the nicest people I have ever met but also because of the level of integrity that this business seems to attract. Granted this is a business predicated o
I always amazed at how many attractive people sell real estate in this country. Rarely have I seen a picture that I thought the person perhaps should get a makeover and then retake their photo. Those photos seem few and far between. So how many of you struggled with trying to decide which pict
Has the Short Sale and Foreclosure market gotten an easier to navigate? This question can be probably be answered in different ways depending on what part of the country you are in. I know several years ago my wife, Nancy and I tried to buy a house that was a Short Sale. Our Realtor, the bank
I thought these were funny and wanted to share. Have a smile this morning. 1.. My husband and I divorced over religious differences. He thought he was God and I didn't. 2.. I don't suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it. 3.. Some people are alive only because it's illegal! To kill
How many of us have our New Year’s Resolution all figured it? Like many people it is probably the same thing we say every year. We are going to lose weight and start working out or we are going to donate more of our time to charity or maybe just try to curse a little less. Maybe it is to be a