This is another video we did to boast our Youtube presence. We have a total of 5 videos and we have seen our Google placement jump 5 pages in the last week because of our videos.
This is a little website I found that will calculate how much your blog is worth. It is just another fun little thing I found when doing some research. If you click on the link below you will go to a page that allows you to paste your blog url. You answer a few questions and then it calculates
I guess the word "removal" isn't really correct. The link title attribute in the post editor really hasn't been just no longer functions. So how many of you out there have been thinking the title field is actually getting inserted? Guess again. It hasn't functioned since April, 2015
Very good article by my wife Nancy. It will open your eyes about Image Alt Tags For many years now, SEO folks optimizing images have included search-friendly phrases in the ALT text with the confidence that many of the search engines considered the contents of ALT text when determining relev
Completing the Sale: All of the ownership documentation must be transferred to the new owner. When a mobile or manufactured home resides in community where the lot is leased you will need to do a title transfer. This is really no different than a car or truck title transfer. This document g
Listing Photographs: This part is as important as cleaning up your home for sale. You want pictures that clearly show your home and make it look attractive and inviting. Make sure the pictures are well lit and clutter free. You can Google how to take great Real Estate pictures. It is importa
So much is written about SEO, Social Media, Long Tail Phrases, Content is King, Blogging, Tweeting, Fan Pages, FaceBook, MySpace and Keywords.....(I could go on forever here...)that I think many people lose focus on what exactly they are suppose to be doing online.There are lots of opinions on ho
Selling your mobile home is not as easy as you think. You want to make sure your get the most for your home you can. It takes time, planning, research and some elbow grease. Clean Up Inside and Out. – Look at your home from the perspective of buyer. Be as objective as you can and understand th
If you are not checking your Online Reputation on a regular basis then you are doing yourself a huge disservice. In fact there could be negative comments out there that are costing you money. Can you really afford to do nothing and just ignore the fact that this type of thing happens everyday?Th