Michael Mergell's (mmergell) Blog

Real Estate Broker/Owner - Michael Mergell, RE/MAX Legends Group
Michael Mergell, Managing Broker RE/MAX Ability Plus-Fishers $787 billion is a nearly unfathomable number. What does it really mean and where it all that money going? According to the official American Recovery and Reinvestment Act website the money is broken down in the following manner: $288 bi...
  Michael Mergell, Managing Broker RE/MAX Ability Plus-Fishers   It is feasible to always take help from professional real estate agent to make a lucrative deal. Real estate brokers provide every kind of help to sellers as well as buyers. Without a nice real estate agent, you may never get an imp...
One country facing a particularly dire situation is Spain.  One Spanish housing association believes that unsold homes in Spain could grow to 1.5 million by the end of the year.  Compare that to the estimated 1 million homes on the market at the end of 2008 - a potential 50% jump.  And with about...
Have you been speculating how to make it in sellings in real estate? The current economic crisis has agents that focus on property, as well as home owners looking to sell their homes wondering how they can be successful in their endeavors. In spite of vast fund lows plus woes lots of individuals ...
Your  House As Seen By: Yourself...     Your  Buyer...   Your  Lender...   Your  Appraiser... Your  County's Tax Assessor...
Michael Mergell, Managing Broker RE/MAX Ability Plus-Fishers Buying a new home is a major decision. Choosing a good home builder is also very important. You will want someone who is established and can be trusted, someone has the knowledge and skills in constructing a new home, someone who can ma...
Mergell&Associates   your EAH Partner                                                           What is Employer-Assisted Housing? Employer-assisted housing (EAH) includes a variety of housing benefits employers can offer to help their workforce afford homes. An EAH program can help the employer'...
Mergell&Associates   your EAH Partner                                                           What is Employer-Assisted Housing? Employer-assisted housing (EAH) includes a variety of housing benefits employers can offer to help their workforce afford homes. An EAH program can help the employer'...
Michael Mergell, Managing Broker RE/MAX Ability Plus-Fishers People look for the lowest monthly payment they can get on a car, on an apartment and on a house - often the lowest monthly rate, at least at the start of the loan, will be with an adjustable rate mortgage so a lot of folks jump on this...

Michael Mergell

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