There was an article in the paper this past week that said home prices are up 5.2 percent over the same time last year. As soon as I read that my first thought was I’ll probably get another call or two from folks that are ready to sale. Then I thought, well I must be doing something right becaus...
What Does the 4th of July Really Mean? Per Merriam-Webster: A civil holiday for the celebration of the anniversary of the beginnings of national independence; specifically: July 4 observed as a legal holiday in the United States in commemoration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence ...
Fess Up - Are you guilty of TWD? (Texting While Driving)Let's face it, in our business of real estate we are constantly on the go, constantly on our phones, on our computers and iPads emailing, and oh yeah, constantly texting. In fact texting seems to be taking over as a top way of communicating....
I just read a blog about the tragedies in the northeast from Frankenstorm Sandy about homes that were destroyed and agents whining about losing their deals. I was reminded of a deal I had that fell through where the buyer's agent and her buyers were livid. Like so many in this economy, my sellers...
The Charlotte NC real estate market has experienced quite a roller coaster ride over the past 5 years but seems to have turned around. After a robust Spring and Summer, it looks like things are tapering off slightly here though.The foreclosure inventory has gone down dramatically this year and th...
One of my quickest deals ever, actually came from one of my slowest clients ever. Bless their hearts, I still loved them though! This was actually many years ago, way before DocuSign. We've all had them, they take FORRRRRREVERRRR to look at one house. I quickly realized when I was working with th...
Going paperless has been a challenge for myself and my office but it's been a continuous goal since I opened my own all off site agent, almost virtual real estate company almost 4 years ago. "Green" was the word when we started. Ok, so what do we do about all the paperwork in this business? (Reme...
The Home Buying Process Simplified Whether a very personal referral or from the internet, we always prefer a buyer consultation in the office, explaining the buying process from A to Z. For experienced buyers, we summarize the process and do more consulting about their situation and goals. While ...
Homes for sale in Downtown Charlotte Area Historic DilworthDilworth is a quaint area of mostly older and historic homes located in the downtown Charlotte NC area. Historic Dilworth is on the national registry of historic homes and is known for it’s older charming bungalows and craftsman style hom...
Homes for Sale in Lake Norman Charlotte NC AreaIf lake living is your bag, then look no further than Lake Norman in the Charlotte NC area.Homes for Sale in Lake Norman Charlotte NC AreaWith over 500 miles of shoreline and stretching across four counties and several cities, including Huntersville,...

Mitch Muller - Charlotte NC Real Estate

Certified Residential Specialist
local_phone(704) 333-8905
smartphone(704) 351-9305
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