In 1817 New York State adopted Thanksgiving Day as an annual custom, and by the middle of the 19th century many other states had done the same. In 1863 President Abraham Lincoln appointed a day of thanksgiving as the last Thursday in November. To all my ActiveRain friends and blogging buddies wi
I grew up in North East Yonkers in a section called Crestwood. On Friday via Facebook, I found out that one the the neighborhood's most iconic landmarks will close its doors on Nov. 25 after more than 47 years in business. Nathans Famous. My family actually moved to Yonkers before there was Natha
The stress is over. Introducing the new ( No more complicated searches. No more computers guessing how you want to live. Now you can browse properties based on precisely what you want. And then dive into as much information as you need to make smart
Soldier's and Sailor's memorial photographed ©Mitchell Hall 10/29/2012 The Calm before the Storm - Hurricane Sandy The Soldiers' and Sailors' Memorial Monument commemorates Union Army soldiers and sailors who served in the American Civil War. It is located at 89th Street and Riverside Drive in R
Vote! Hopefully tonight we will know the final out come of the 2012 presidential election. Last week in the NY region we witnessed the devastation from severe unusual weather. Perhaps man is helping to accelerate changes in climate? Hurricane Sandy hit us harder than we ever imagined; but, hey,